Going all out on Carb Nite? Help?

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    Kameron Vance

    I’ve been doing CNS for around a month and a half with sub-par results and I was wondering if I should be taking in a certain amount of calories and carbs during my carb nite? I have just wen’t completely overboard the last few carb nites I’ve had and I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. I’m a guy, I weigh 162 pounds and my height is 5’10”. I would guess that my carb nites have consisted of around 500+ carbs. I lift 4 times a week and I take in around 1,850 calories a day during ULC days.


    Steve Cauffiel

    Not sure, everyone’s different, but without knowing your daily macros (and what you’ve tested on your own) it doesn’t sound terrible. When you say “sub-par results” – what does that mean? For a point of reference, I’m 6’4″ and 225 pounds, lift four times a week and do two days in a row of HITT after Carb Nite. I typically have the best results when I keep my carbs on CN under 500 in four separate spikes. Additionally, I keep my ULC days to around 2200 calories a day at 175g of fat and 150g of protein; I didn’t lose as much as regularly when I had those macros flip-flopped. Since Christmas I’m down roughly 35 pounds and still losing, though it appears to be slowing down.

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Going all out on Carb Nite? Help?

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