New Article Disparaging Keto Diet

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    Found at – I wonder what people think of this. I’ve been seeing backlash against keto (and imho, by extension, carb nite) type lifestyles and wonder what people think about this. Are they incorrect and if so, how?



    Like every carb-enthusiasts, they usually encompass the general public and refers to articles that never studied true keto diets. The problem is, we keto folks prefer to separate ourselves from the herd. The herd are diagnosed with heart disease, obesity, diabetes, etc. And we decided, I think we should try something different.

    Carb nite, carb backloading, and protocols like it.. though.. is not true keto. What we do is use the inclusion of fat with our lifestyles to compensate for the timing of our naturally occurring hormones. Like when you have your cortisol at your highest, don’t bring your insulin up… cause you get fat, and it worsens your bio-clock cycle.

    When is it optimal to eat carbs? Usually after a workout, at the end of the day. Why? Because studies shown than eating a ratio of 1:4 grams of protein to carbs after a workout, is the most optimal for muscle growth.

    These protocols are mentions to help aid in fat loss without muscle loss. It’s not a diet you should recommendly stick with until you get the body you need.. to which you then include more and more carbs later on.

    Now, to the articles last point of cholesterol changes. I read that same study. I think he misread whats going on. With the serum cholestoral increasing, the HDL also increases. You need cholesterol.. both (which is actually the same).. LDL and HDL. LDL is cholesterol that is delivered throughout your body.. HDL is what helps clean up the residue. The problem we’re facing really.. is the cholesterol that gets raised when you eat carbs.. with very low activity.. this leads to heart disease. Which the article doesn’t address.

    The author doesn’t mention much about the activity levels you should be at when you perform any of these diet protocols. It’s a rather short article.. with a biased view point… addressing a very large trend.

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New Article Disparaging Keto Diet

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