Magnesium Deficiency-Could be your problem!

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    So I have been supplementing a small amount of Magnesium on top of my Multi for a few months now. I'm going to up the supplementation from 250mg to 500mg though, cramps have stopped, but Im finding myself with a dry mouth some days, among other odd things (lack of sleep on BL's, etc). A lot of this could be accredited to magnesium deficiency. Any-who after some reading, this article is the most "to the point" without diving into to much detail. Give it a read, and consideration. I hope it is beneficial to someone!



    i take 200mg on off days and 400mg on WO days.. have for awhile..



    If I take anymore than 350-400mg, I get some serious … “bathroom urges.”So make sure you have easy access to a bathroom when you up the dose the first couple times, just in case! ha



    If I take anymore than 350-400mg, I get some serious ... "bathroom urges."So make sure you have easy access to a bathroom when you up the dose the first couple times, just in case! ha

    haha yea high magnesium does have a laxative effect.. if it persists then you are consuming to much magnesium



    If I take anymore than 350-400mg, I get some serious ... "bathroom urges."So make sure you have easy access to a bathroom when you up the dose the first couple times, just in case! ha

    haha yea high magnesium does have a laxative effect.. if it persists then you are consuming to much magnesium

    Yeah, that's the nice thing about it.. You can't really overdose it in a dangerous way. It's pretty much self-regulating.


    Richard Schmitt

    Ah drink a bottle of Magnesium Citrate. That's dangerous.



    Sounds dangerous lol. Yea I think my thirst issues, possibly sleep, and deff some other minute cramp/twitching issues are due to mag def. I believe supplementing mag can/should help with DOMS as well.

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Magnesium Deficiency-Could be your problem!

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