Blood, Berries or Butter: A film about your health!

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    just saw this.. it's a kickstarter project. For those who don't know kickstarter is a crowd funding website where people put ideas for projects on it from books to games to movies to whatever and try to raise money to get the project done. Generally this is to avoid having to deal with publishers and so creative control can stay with the people creating the project… I have backed several games on kickstarter before but never a film.. this looks like it could be interesting though



    I almost want to back them with 250 just so I can go and meet some of these guys/gals. If someone wants so go in on it with me I'm down to pay 140 and we'll split the tickets to go to the premiere but I'll get the DVD.



    money is tight for us right now.. i just am able to put $10 for a digital copy of the moviefor anyone in LA or near LA that would be pretty awesome!



    money is tight for us right now.. i just am able to put $10 for a digital copy of the movie

    Plus your have to drive or fly out here. I sure hope someone takes me up on my offer...If anyone is north of me just drive to me and I'll drive the rest of the way or I can pick you up if your south of me. No charge for the ride either.



    Well I took a little time to watch several of the videos on this film and I REALLY WANT TO GO…..If anyone else want to go post up or PM me and we'll get something worked out.



    Well I took a little time to watch several of the videos on this film and I REALLY WANT TO GO.....If anyone else want to go post up or PM me and we'll get something worked out.

    yea some awesome people are part of this project



    Well I took a little time to watch several of the videos on this film and I REALLY WANT TO GO.....If anyone else want to go post up or PM me and we'll get something worked out.

    yea some awesome people are part of this project

    I was shocked at the list of people. Now WHO WANTS TO GO???



    Looks awesome. Wish we had the cash and 3000 miles closer.



    woot.. it made its funding goal with 6 days to go still

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Blood, Berries or Butter: A film about your health!

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