Starting Off RIght: Mixing Programs????

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    Deployment is almost over!!!  Seven months on a US Navy ship isn't very fun at times.  I've been training with kettle bells, sand bag, weight vest/bodyweight and jungle gym XT straps.I MISS THE GYM!  BUT I love pull ups and flutter kicks and all that stuff.  How should I approach 5X5 Strong Lifts along with my other stuff I enjoy?  Simply tack a few movements whether kettle bell or sandbag or pull ups POST strong lift session for the day?  I have the 5X5 PDF I understand not to run or do other lifts prior to completing that day's routine.  BUT I still gotta ask, what would you guys/gals do?  I'm about 1.5 months into CNS FYI.  Thanks!



    Personally, I'd throw in KB work everyday. They're awesome for general health/warming up/getting the hips moving right, etc.. Also would do pullups every day I do any pressing, in order to get a better pulling:pressing volume ratio. Sled pull/push would be fun too as a 5-10 min conditioning aspect after your lifts are done.And sandbags are evil so I wouldn't touch them. 😛



    Personally, I'd throw in KB work everyday. They're awesome for general health/warming up/getting the hips moving right, etc.. Also would do pullups every day I do any pressing, in order to get a better pulling:pressing volume ratio. Sled pull/push would be fun too as a 5-10 min conditioning aspect after your lifts are done.And sandbags are evil so I wouldn't touch them. 😛

    Sandbags are evil and thats why I love em 🙂  I've really fell in love with KB's, it feels great when you're in that groove.  So would say go ahead and just make sure to do them  POST SL5X5???



    Personally, I'd throw in KB work everyday. They're awesome for general health/warming up/getting the hips moving right, etc.. Also would do pullups every day I do any pressing, in order to get a better pulling:pressing volume ratio. Sled pull/push would be fun too as a 5-10 min conditioning aspect after your lifts are done.And sandbags are evil so I wouldn't touch them. 😛

    Sandbags are evil and thats why I love em 🙂  I've really fell in love with KB's, it feels great when you're in that groove.  So would say go ahead and just make sure to do them  POST SL5X5???

    I use them at various times. Light ones for warming up.. Swings will get the hips warmed up for squats/deads well. Then sometimes I'll do light snatches for a shoulder warmup..Recently started doing waiter's walks with them and in between walks I'll do a high-rep set of swings.They're great for core work.. farmers/waiters carry and TGU'sAny conditioning work, yeah, I'd do it after your lifts. And keep it in the 5-10min range, especially on CN.



    Personally, I'd throw in KB work everyday. They're awesome for general health/warming up/getting the hips moving right, etc.. Also would do pullups every day I do any pressing, in order to get a better pulling:pressing volume ratio. Sled pull/push would be fun too as a 5-10 min conditioning aspect after your lifts are done.And sandbags are evil so I wouldn't touch them. 😛

    Sandbags are evil and thats why I love em 🙂  I've really fell in love with KB's, it feels great when you're in that groove.  So would say go ahead and just make sure to do them  POST SL5X5???

    I use them at various times. Light ones for warming up.. Swings will get the hips warmed up for squats/deads well. Then sometimes I'll do light snatches for a shoulder warmup..Recently started doing waiter's walks with them and in between walks I'll do a high-rep set of swings.They're great for core work.. farmers/waiters carry and TGU'sAny conditioning work, yeah, I'd do it after your lifts. And keep it in the 5-10min range, especially on CN.

    Great, thanks for the input!  I'm really getting geeked to start moving weight again, despite starting off with a bare bar....

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Starting Off RIght: Mixing Programs????

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