Elimination Diet anyone?

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    curious if anyone has done one of these in the pasthttp://www.precisionnutrition.com/elimination-diet


    Brandon D Christ

    Well I did an elimination diet to determine I was gluten and lactose intolerant.  However, I think most people who think they have food allergies (sans gluten and lactose) really don't.Kiefer wrote a pretty good article on this:  http://athlete.io/3230/paleo-deconstructed-part-2-you-probably-dont-have-a-food-allergy/



    i do agree sometimes just the stress reaction from eating something can manifest and make you believe there is an allergy.. unfortunately there is little you can do about it if you can't overcome that stress reaction.. then of course there are plenty that have obvious reactions like rashes or swelling and such.. i dunno i have lived with allergies all my life to various things(nothing life threatning) but have found changing my diet around has had a big impact on my allergies as a whole.



    I have.. and continue to. Thats all “Paleo” is: an elimination diet.


    Sharon W

    curious if anyone has done one of these in the pasthttp://www.precisionnutrition.com/elimination-diet

    I did one with my son several years ago. Did it to help him get through it and in the process discovered I have my own set of food intolerances. Its pretty amazing what your body will put up with and how it copes.



    I have.. and continue to. Thats all "Paleo" is: an elimination diet.

    true although these are even more restrictive.. like cutting out nightshades and all meat but fish, lamb and turkey


    Brandon D Christ

    I have.. and continue to. Thats all "Paleo" is: an elimination diet.

    true although these are even more restrictive.. like cutting out nightshades and all meat but fish, lamb and turkey

    In the article it just gave an example.  An elimination diet is just cutting out a certain food that could be causing an allergic reaction.Though I have to wonder their logic on cutting out all meat except lamb, turkey, and fish.  Seafood allergies are actually rather common and I would imagine that would be on the elimination list.  And what is so special about lamb and turkey that they would allow it?



    I have.. and continue to. Thats all "Paleo" is: an elimination diet.

    true although these are even more restrictive.. like cutting out nightshades and all meat but fish, lamb and turkey

    In the article it just gave an example.  An elimination diet is just cutting out a certain food that could be causing an allergic reaction.Though I have to wonder their logic on cutting out all meat except lamb, turkey, and fish.  Seafood allergies are actually rather common and I would imagine that would be on the elimination list.  And what is so special about lamb and turkey that they would allow it?

    yea i'm not sure why they chose to keep fish in there as its a very common allergen for people.. also not sure on the lamb or turkey in comparison to say chicken...



    I have.. and continue to. Thats all "Paleo" is: an elimination diet.

    true although these are even more restrictive.. like cutting out nightshades and all meat but fish, lamb and turkey

    Yeah, it looks pretty close to the auto-immune paleo protocol, which is about the strictest version you can do. Although it's also weird they say to include rice.. Rice should be one of the things you test for sensitivity, IMO.And I'm with you guys that it's weird they recommend fish but not chicken.. Beef I can understand because lots of people react to beef, and pork is understandable, but chicken seems weird. Maybe it's something to do with the generally higher n6 fat content associated with standard chicken.And a pet peeve that has nothing to do with this: I hate when eggs are included under a dairy category. They're not dairy, dammit!

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Elimination Diet anyone?

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