What’s wrong with what we eat?

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    I have to say that it frustrates me when the pro veggie crowd always lump meat together with carbohydrates and junk food. They never seem to address a diet where one is absent of the other (eating say just carbs and veggies, or just meat and veggies) and always demonize them both together. They also NEVER seem to address the source and quality of the meat (grain vs. grass fed for example).



    That was a good video, we really do need to start educating our children. Really makes me even more pro-homeschooling, educating my children as they grow up. It really is sad how the budget keeps getting cut in schools, why is it not a priority? Why is our future not a priority in the budget? I just don't understand it.



    Agreed, this type of information needs to find its way into the foundations of health education. Looking back on the school lunches I used to get fed, I am aghast.

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What’s wrong with what we eat?

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