Keifer lets us know he’s still alive

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  • #10301

    Richard Schmitt

    Thanks for the hook up!



    Pretty cool.Sounds as if he is preparing to do some pseudo-scientific medical experiments on his own to back up some theories where the research just isn't available.



    good stuff


    Brandon D Christ

    From what I understand, Kiefer's explanation of the “secondary fat storage mechanism” may render the low fat backload to be useless.  Then again, the amount of available triglycerides for storage might be less if you follow the fat rules.



    From what I understand, Kiefer's explanation of the "secondary fat storage mechanism" may render the low fat backload to be useless.  Then again, the amount of available triglycerides for storage might be less if you follow the fat rules.

    yea i guess it would depend how high your normal fat intake is overall as well.. i dunno i never found it mattered much for CBL either way personally


    Brandon D Christ

    From what I understand, Kiefer's explanation of the "secondary fat storage mechanism" may render the low fat backload to be useless.  Then again, the amount of available triglycerides for storage might be less if you follow the fat rules.

    yea i guess it would depend how high your normal fat intake is overall as well.. i dunno i never found it mattered much for CBL either way personally

    Same with me.


    From what I understand, Kiefer's explanation of the "secondary fat storage mechanism" may render the low fat backload to be useless.  Then again, the amount of available triglycerides for storage might be less if you follow the fat rules.

    yea i guess it would depend how high your normal fat intake is overall as well.. i dunno i never found it mattered much for CBL either way personally

    Same with me.

    Same here. I normally just eat what sounds good.



    From what I understand, Kiefer's explanation of the "secondary fat storage mechanism" may render the low fat backload to be useless.  Then again, the amount of available triglycerides for storage might be less if you follow the fat rules.

    yea i guess it would depend how high your normal fat intake is overall as well.. i dunno i never found it mattered much for CBL either way personally

    Same with me.

    Same here. I normally just eat what sounds good.



    I concur.



    From what I understand, Kiefer's explanation of the "secondary fat storage mechanism" may render the low fat backload to be useless.  Then again, the amount of available triglycerides for storage might be less if you follow the fat rules.

    yea i guess it would depend how high your normal fat intake is overall as well.. i dunno i never found it mattered much for CBL either way personally

    The "secondary fat storage mechanism" is an interesting one. Im not sure if keeping fat intake low would have much of an effect if calories are the same. Considering that gut bacteria can make a lot of SCFAs from certain foods (fibre, starches) and mead acid (omega -9) can be made from sugars. I think this makes the case for a "balanced" macro intake as the body obviously needs all three to function and will borrow from one (whether endogenously or exogenously sourced) to make up for a shortfall in another.

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Keifer lets us know he’s still alive

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