So I've been doing carbnite since like October. Love the program and have complete faith in it. My only problem is I just don't seem to be getting any results. I started off at 172 (previously 152 before starting CBL) and was looking to get the extra fat off. I started off working out until my school and work schedule got a bit hectic so now I don't. I hardly eat any carbs (besides veggies) and eat a lot of fat and protein, like you're supposed to do. Anyways, none of the fat is going way, I just look the same. I'm 6'0″ and now 165 pounds with a little extra fat around the midsection (lovehandles and such) and slight definition of the abs. A typical day of eating ULC No breakfast (school instead)Lunch: Chicken thighs mixed with broccoli stirfryed with HWC and cream cheese (plenty of salt to taste/i eat this often)Dinner: Sometimes I don't eat a big dinner(studying and work) but if I do, it'll be like my lunch or maybe a bunch of sliced ham meat wrapped around a couple of slices of swiss cheese(I try to get in as much protein/fat as possible)no snacksI drink a ton of water. Every now and then, I have a cup of coffee with coconut oil, butter, HWC, Almondmilk and a little creamer to taste (nothing more than tbsp)Carbnites I usually eat whatever and save all the fattier foods for later in the night. Probably averaging around 200-300 carbs those nights.Am I consuming too much cream or something?