Switching from CNS to CBL

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    I tried searching for this topic and found some posts, but nothing that answered my question.  I started out doing CBL and saw good results, but wanted to switch to CNS for faster fat loss.  I've been doing CNS for about 5 months and have dropped down to 15% bf from 21%, but now I've hit a plateau.  I was thinking about doing CBL for a while again and was wondering if I can just go straight into back loading or do I need to ease into it and only do a couple of days the first week and gradually increase?  I then plan on after a few months, going back to CNS to reach my fat loss goal.  Has anyone had success with this?


    Brandon D Christ

    I tried searching for this topic and found some posts, but nothing that answered my question.  I started out doing CBL and saw good results, but wanted to switch to CNS for faster fat loss.  I've been doing CNS for about 5 months and have dropped down to 15% bf from 21%, but now I've hit a plateau.  I was thinking about doing CBL for a while again and was wondering if I can just go straight into back loading or do I need to ease into it and only do a couple of days the first week and gradually increase?  I then plan on after a few months, going back to CNS to reach my fat loss goal.  Has anyone had success with this?

    If it were me, I'd go straight into backloading.  I think the carbs per backload should be adjusted, not the number of backloads per week.Still, other people have a very hard time breaking the ULC-carb binge cycle and do better by slowing adding backloads per week.If you are the type of person who can control yourself and you are aware of how to evaluate how the carbs are effecting you, then backload.  If you have a hard time controlling yourself when it comes to carbs, start with 2 backloads per week and increase it when you feel comfortable.



    Ok, I will probably just go straight into backloading.  Thanks.


    Ha! This was the exact question I wanted to ask! It's holiday season and I was thinking CBL would be perfect since I have weights and other heavy things at my house. I could just work out before going to any where!Depth before dishonor!!!!

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Switching from CNS to CBL

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