Nutrient timing podcast with John Ivy

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    Because all I have is leucine and the other three aren't needed as much.

    I hate to say it man but thats just not true. Later in the day after you have ate protein adding 2.5g or so of just Leucine would be fine. But the other two are much more important in times where your protein (and therefor nitrogen levels) are low. Its going to cause aminos to just oxidize because your causing an imbalance. Just saying it might be a good idea to do BCAA in the morning and then later if you want just use Leucine.



    you'd be better off with some whey first thing in the AM than just leucine imho.. like CBachelor said most likely your body will just oxidize that leucine and it basically is useless alone like that(although i feel just isolated BCAA first thing would do the same).. i'd go for an easily digestable complete protein source


    you'd be better off with some whey first thing in the AM than just leucine imho.. like CBachelor said most likely your body will just oxidize that leucine and it basically is useless alone like that(although i feel just isolated BCAA first thing would do the same).. i'd go for an easily digestable complete protein source

    I agree, I'd go to guess that most isolated aminos would not be as good as just a small amount of whey.However, using or adding leucine may not be a bad idea, Excess leucine will actaully convert to Ketones, it's a strictly ketocgenic amino acid so it will be unlikely to shift to a glucose burning state, which would be the cases that may cause muscle protein oxidation.



    In the studies I read leucine alone was oxidized because of the the other BCAA's imbalance (when tere is a negative nitrogen balance I.e in the morning). But leucine alone with a meal containing protein acted the same as with BCAA because the other aminos were provide from the whole food. Basically just making it a higher ratio of leucine helped MPS and mTor signaling in the studies I read. They also covered supplementing it with meals for weight loss. Which proved beneficial.



    He isn't attacking CBL or CN, just IF in general and his advice if for people trying to put on muscle. In fact I think Kiefer and him agree on the IF deal which is funny as many followers of diets like LG are really skinny dudes.



    He isn't attacking CBL or CN, just IF in general and his advice if for people trying to put on muscle. In fact I think Kiefer and him agree on the IF deal which is funny as many followers of diets like LG are really skinny dudes.

    kiefer still recommends IF though.. doesn't really matter if it's 12 hours 14 hours or 16 hours overall i don't think it's going to make a huge difference overall if you are getting in what you need in whatever the time you eat is..



    Yeah that is one major difference, this guy seems really worried about gluconeogenesis.



    Yeah that is one major difference, this guy seems really worried about gluconeogenesis.

    not sure if this is the same podcast you listened to i hate when people pimp products first thing as he does with beet elite..



    Yeah that is one major difference, this guy seems really worried about gluconeogenesis.

    not sure if this is the same podcast you listened to i hate when people pimp products first thing as he does with beet elite..

    Yep pretty much, I kinda rolled my eyes at the product placement deal.


    Yeah that is one major difference, this guy seems really worried about gluconeogenesis.

    not sure if this is the same podcast you listened to i hate when people pimp products first thing as he does with beet elite..

    Yep pretty much, I kinda rolled my eyes at the product placement deal.

    What I found hilarious was Meadows saying "Yeah, I know what your talking about, I got nothing from it" or at least something like that implying he things it's a waste of money and Ivy came back saying he was wrong and it's the best product out there.



    yea he talks about the worst thing you can do is not eat within the first 4 hours of waking which goes directly against the research done for CBL and studies on other forms of IF.. but again just goes to show for almost anything researched or studied in this field you will find someone who researched and studied something that shows pretty much the exact opposite… he also says you need to eat carbs first thing in the AM as wellwith all the conflicting arguments and studies out there i would just continue to do self experiments and see what works best for yourself as no matter what you do there will be a study or some "expert" talking about research that says what you are doing is wrong or not optimal and you should be doing things like this or that..



    Guy truly believes timing is everything. On the other hand you have people like Mike T. Nelson frequently saying that macros are king and timing, while it can provide a few benefits, is not all that important. I am personally in the not giving two fucks camp. I just like watching people lose their minds over stuff like that. Happy to see it doesn't sway you guys' hearts haha.


    Brandon D Christ

    Guy truly believes timing is everything. On the other hand you have people like Mike T. Nelson frequently saying that macros are king and timing, while it can provide a few benefits, is not all that important. I am personally in the not giving two fucks camp. I just like watching people lose their minds over stuff like that. Happy to see it doesn't sway you guys' hearts haha.

    I agree so much with this.  Too many people obsess over what's optimal.  Just find a diet that you enjoy/tolerate and that gives you results. 

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Nutrient timing podcast with John Ivy

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