Is regular butter okay?

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    is it okay to use regular unsalted butter instead of grass fed? and will using too much of it cause any problems?


    Richard Schmitt

    This is what I found out, for I had a similar question and thought.It is okay yes, the reasoning for grass fed is the health benefits you get from the product. That is pretty much the main difference.


    While there will be effects on health, there will be pretty much no change in the body composition performance of the diet.


    Brandon D Christ

    While there will be effects on health, there will be pretty much no change in the body composition performance of the diet.

    Even as far as health is concerned, the difference is essentially non-existant if butter is used as a condiment.  If butter is used as a staple fat, then yes, grass fed will offer an advantage. 



    As these lovely gentlemen are pointing out, there are health benefits for choosing grass fed.I would like to add though, grass fed butter tastes amazingly different. I enjoyed salted butter before this diet, then I started looking into grass fed for the health benefits.. and WOW I could eat that stuff with a spoon. (And I do sometimes... not often, but its freaking good with a dash of cinnamon) I then later went back and tried some off-the-shelf "Organic" butter (not grass fed) because it was on sale and I thought there couldn't be too much difference in taste could there? Oh yes. All other butter tastes watery and lacking in flavor. -It's taken me forever to get through that stuff! I keep pushing it to the back of the refrigerator and using Kerrygolds that I just bought, lol.In my opinion, if you won't try it for health reasons, give it a go just for your taste buds. Its bloody good.


    Tracy Jarchow

    Agree with Spatz. We use Kerrygold because it fairly inexpensive and it tastes amazing. The taste is especially noticeable when used in coffee.Here is a great little article about exactly your question.

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Is regular butter okay?

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