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    Ok, so I have a friend who's pretty obese. Luckily he took the initiative and proudly told me yesterday that he's “not eating bread anymore.” However he didn't realize that there's carbs in soda,beans, beer, iced tea, etc. I set him straight on what a carb is and told him to basically follow the CNS. However, he got a little shook up when I told him that you get to eat an abundance of bacon when you go VLC. "won't I get a heart attack?"I understand that fats aren't bad at all, and that in absence of carbs saturated fat is ok too. However, it would be great if someone could direct me to an article of some sort explaining that fat is ok and even helpful/necessary while on a diet. It would be nice if it were explained in pretty layman's terms. To my knowledge he hasn't really written an article on dietary fats. Any help would be really appreciated!


    Lasse Elsbak

    http://preventdisease.com/news/12/030112_World-Renown-Heart-Surgeon-Speaks-Out-On-What-Really-Causes-Heart-Disease.shtmlThis article turned around some of my GFs relatives. I only skimmed the article, but it seems good.

    and that in absence of carbs saturated fat is ok too.

    This is an outdated idea - saturated fat is ok with or without carbs. I don't have much time now, but I'll try to find some good articles later. "Sugar the bitter truth" (a youtube video) explains quite a bit though - I highly recommend you see it! đŸ™‚



    I've actually gotten the same reaction, but about cholesterol. Everyone seems suddenly worried about the bacon and eggs that I'm eating. I must admit, though, before CNS, I was a huge fat counter. I never worried about calories or carbs or anything else before. What a shift for me!



    found this bad-boy on bulletproofexec.comhttp://s3.amazonaws.com/eatery/Carbs_Are_Killing_You.pngAlso I'm surprised to hear that sat. fat is okay even with carbs in the diet. Carb Nite says the contrary (although the book is a bit outdated as this point i suppose)


    Naomi Most

    Chris Masterjon has sort of become the top “expert” on debunking the lipid hypothesis:http://cholesterol-and-health.org/


    Dr. Rocky Patel

    Naomi Most

    Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes is a place to starthttp://www.amazon.com/Why-We-Get-Fat-Vintage/dp/0307474259/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1332272591&sr=8-1

    Yeah, although Taubes doesn't notice (or care) about the whole issue of different types of exercise, and thinks carbs in general are the devil.



    Thanks guys! Only problem is I can't really tell my friend “I know your scared of fat, but read this entire book” hahaLuckily the infographic I found by taubes did the trick. Now i just have to get my friend to stop cheating on the diet  :-

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