Greg Plitt’s MFT28

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    Anyone read up on this on Short 4 week program. Thoughts?



    The only way to kneo is by gving it a go, 4 weeks aint gonna kill ya mann



    looks pretty good i'd try it some day if i could actually do twice a days. The volume in doing the twice a day looks good enough to warrant only training a muscle group once a week. looked at the leg day workout holy crap i dunno if i'd live through that ;D



    im doing a super high volume training at the moment instead of 5/3/1 3 main lifts per day for 4x a week on top of hypertrophy, your body starts to adapt, and im a big believer from Dan John to always try new programs for 6 weeks where you will get best results



    im doing a super high volume training at the moment instead of 5/3/1 3 main lifts per day for 4x a week on top of hypertrophy, your body starts to adapt, and im a big believer from Dan John to always try new programs for 6 weeks where you will get best results

    very much agree


    Richard Schmitt

    I seem to change things around when I do certain programs for a long period of time. While I take notes of what I previously done as well as the changes, it helps and keeps me excited. As long as you keep your priorities in line and keep to your ultimate goal, why not make that journey enjoyable.

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Greg Plitt’s MFT28

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