Dairy digestant

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    Ok so I'm starting to think my worst nightmare is coming to fruition. I re did the prep phase and when I backloaded I had milk and farted up a storm, I thought it was cuz the milk was bad but the next night I had a blizzard from dq to the same results. I'm thinking I bece lactose intolerant ): anyone take dairy digestants or should I just cut out the thing I love so much



    best bet is to try and add dairy little at a time back in and see if you get used to it


    Richard Schmitt

    Try lactose free milk to see if that helps. I know I can't do cow dairy at all unless its raw.



    I'm Gona try the digestant and if that doesn't work I'll likely buy lactaid it's just so effing expensive


    Richard Schmitt

    They have lactase enzyme drops you can try. I believe works great if you can make it work properly. I had some and never came around to truly use it.



    Give it up. It's like being a diabetic…your body can't produce the enzyme to digest dairy (diabetics can't produce insulin to digest ). You know the real treatment for a diabetic is to diet and exercise not pump insulin into their bodies.I would apply the same principle to yourself. There are many dairy alternatives that taste just like milk, ice cream, etc. don't worry! Your body will thank you 🙂



    Give it up. It's like being a diabetic...your body can't produce the enzyme to digest dairy (diabetics can't produce insulin to digest ). You know the real treatment for a diabetic is to diet and exercise not pump insulin into their bodies.I would apply the same principle to yourself. There are many dairy alternatives that taste just like milk, ice cream, etc. don't worry! Your body will thank you 🙂

    he didn't say he was sure about having a dairy issue prior to doing the prep phase though and if he was fine with milk and such prior to doing the prep phase it may not a lactose problem.. so it's possible just slowly reintroducing it will not cause issues.. although i will say i think most people would be better off leaving most dairy from their diet


    Brandon D Christ

    Give it up. It's like being a diabetic...your body can't produce the enzyme to digest dairy (diabetics can't produce insulin to digest ). You know the real treatment for a diabetic is to diet and exercise not pump insulin into their bodies.I would apply the same principle to yourself. There are many dairy alternatives that taste just like milk, ice cream, etc. don't worry! Your body will thank you 🙂

    he didn't say he was sure about having a dairy issue prior to doing the prep phase though and if he was fine with milk and such prior to doing the prep phase it may not a lactose problem.. so it's possible just slowly reintroducing it will not cause issues.. although i will say i think most people would be better off leaving most dairy from their diet

    Exactly.  Lactose intolerance can development temporarily if milk is consumed after an absence.  Lactase production may just been lagging, but will increase again if milk is consumed regularly. 



    Then regular consumption it is! Haha I'll start slow



    He should leave it out or use an alternative dairy product for a period of time. Then yes re-introduce slowly. I was responding to his symptoms he described. Also, he didn't say anything about pre- diet symptoms, he only spoke of the symptoms during the diet's back load. Milk has some of the highest concentration of lactose too so that can increase symptoms especially when eaten in large quantities (like a DQ blizzard). Pretty sure consuming dairy regularly will not help with lactose production,...consider the insulin example


    Brandon D Christ

    He should leave it out or use an alternative dairy product for a period of time. Then yes re-introduce slowly. I was responding to his symptoms he described. Also, he didn't say anything about pre- diet symptoms, he only spoke of the symptoms during the diet's back load. Milk has some of the highest concentration of lactose too so that can increase symptoms especially when eaten in large quantities (like a DQ blizzard). Pretty sure consuming dairy regularly will not help with lactose production,...consider the insulin example

    He did cut it out during the prep phase.  When he reintroduced it he got the lactose intolerance symptoms.  When someone goes long periods of time without consuming lactose, their production of lactase pretty much stops because there is no need for it.  Once lactose is reintroduced, the body will produce more lactase.



    Ok. I agreed with you that he cut it out during the prep phase. I said that he didn't talk about his symptoms before going on the prep phase/ diet. Where did you find your info on lactose

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Dairy digestant

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