Caitlyn Trout mentions her CBL setup

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    Juggernaut posted this up yesterday on facebook.. about halfway through, Caitlyn mentions how she does CBL as a heavy-lifting woman. Plus, she's just a cool chick.



    Thanks for posting that. I enjoyed the interview. It was also neat to see her “set up” for her bench. I have nowhere near that sort of arch in my back when I bench.


    Brandon D Christ

    Thanks for posting that. I enjoyed the interview. It was also neat to see her "set up" for her bench. I have nowhere near that sort of arch in my back when I bench.

    This is a pretty good guide on how to arch your back for the bench: far as Caitlin, I got to see her lift in person at my last meet.  Really good lifter!



    Thanks for posting that. I enjoyed the interview. It was also neat to see her "set up" for her bench. I have nowhere near that sort of arch in my back when I bench.

    This is a pretty good guide on how to arch your back for the bench:

    WOAH! I have never, ever seen arch like that before. I am having a hard time understanding the "ultimate goal". Am I supposed to be striving for both feet on the bench with an arch like in the 0-3 pics on the bottom set of pics? I have some good flexibility so I think I can produce some arch...


    Brandon D Christ

    Thanks for posting that. I enjoyed the interview. It was also neat to see her "set up" for her bench. I have nowhere near that sort of arch in my back when I bench.

    This is a pretty good guide on how to arch your back for the bench:

    WOAH! I have never, ever seen arch like that before. I am having a hard time understanding the "ultimate goal". Am I supposed to be striving for both feet on the bench with an arch like in the 0-3 pics on the bottom set of pics? I have some good flexibility so I think I can produce some arch...

    It just shows three different methods of arching.  The feet on the bench is just one method.  Personally I think the top group of photos is the easiest method to setup the arch.Most likely you won't be able to arch like the girl in the photo.  That requires really good flexibility.



    Wow, thanks for posting this! Interesting to listen to her layout her CBL modifications.



    What is the reason for arching? Advantages? Disadvantages?



    What is the reason for arching? Advantages? Disadvantages?

    More than this, I'm sure, but by arching, you're effectively shortening the ROM. Also, it recruits more muscle fibers by engaging the legs for the lift more.As for the video, I love that she says her meet PR on bench is 160, but I'm pretty sure the video shows her doing singles at 175..


    Brandon D Christ

    What is the reason for arching? Advantages? Disadvantages?

    More than this, I'm sure, but by arching, you're effectively shortening the ROM. Also, it recruits more muscle fibers by engaging the legs for the lift more.As for the video, I love that she says her meet PR on bench is 160, but I'm pretty sure the video shows her doing singles at 175..

    Correct, also you are more stable and getting leg drive is easier.  It turns the bench press into a full body lift, which is better for strength development.



    Caitlyn, this last weekend, set two more world records in the squat and deadlift.. So, assuming she's still on her CBL setup, it appears to be working for her!I think she did 391 squat, 382 dead at 123 bodyweight. Not positive on the numbers though, going off memory.


    Close but she set a squat world record of 370@122 and a new world record total of 920@122.


    Not to mention she's super hot and very interactive and helpful on social media.



    Juggernaut's facebook said she did 391 squat, 385 dead at 123. That's what I was going off of..And yeah, jlap, she's a cool lady.


    Juggernaut's facebook said she did 391 squat, 385 dead at 123. That's what I was going off of..And yeah, jlap, she's a cool lady.

    You are right TCB my bad I just saw on

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Caitlyn Trout mentions her CBL setup

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