Holiday Protocol?

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    Zachary M Earley

    Hey all!I was just browsing through the forums, searching random things and such (I do this a lot when I have free time) and stumbled across a post talking about a holiday protocol. I have read the CBL book twice and many sections of it multiple times and did not see it in there. It sparked a huge amount of curiosity, as I tend to go all out for 1-2 meals on holidays (actual day of only). I was just wondering if anyone could explain exactly what the holiday protocol is, or perhaps post a link to where I could read about it.Thanks in advance!


    Richard Schmitt

    CNS leading up to the holiday, train before feast, and enjoy yourself.


    Zachary M Earley

    Thanks for the reply!Tried something similar to this before this past Christmas even though I was not BLing at the time and it seemed to work pretty well seeing as I ate whatever I wanted for the entire afternoon. I think I did something along the lines of 50g carbs per day for 5 days with my usual heavy resistance training.


    Richard Schmitt

    If you want a reference check out YouTube for Kiefer's Tubecasts.


    Zachary M Earley

    Thanks for the info. I'll definitely check it out.

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Holiday Protocol?

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