5/3/1 Beyond

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    Just purchased this book. Anyone on this program currently? Thoughts?


    Richard Schmitt

    I was and I really like the program.



    Try it, you will get results if you stick to it, like every other program, its well laid out



    I'm not sure that I liked the layout as much as I like the Cube. 5/3/1 is missing periodization. There is no speed work, which I think has really helped me build strength out of the hole. also, 5/3/1 has you lifting heavy all the workout days in the same week. The ideal range for strength is between 65 and 75%. I also found that for me 5/3/1 lacked volume.Those are just my opinions and experiences from using beyond 5/3/1, but others may have different thoughts.RB


    That is what I started with when first beginning CNS. I was not sold on it. I found that the volume was not nearly what I wanted for my workouts. With that being said 5s 3s and 1s are great rep schemes. I currently do singles/doubles/triples in my workouts now and will do 5s for acceleration work, I just do a lot more sets and set time constraints. I think the weight percentages are fine as you increase over a 3 week period then de-load after. However, I prefer to stay under 90% but above 70% for my work sets (I'll hit a heavy single after some workouts if I am feeling good that is likely above 90% but thats about it). I find that I don't need to de-load like this.


    Lesli Bortz

    I'm using it and you can add a significant of volume depending on the set up you choose.


    I'm using it and you can add a significant of volume depending on the set up you choose.



    Tracy Jarchow

    I personally am using the 5/3/1 Triumvirate and LOVE it. I continue to get progressively stronger and set almost weekly rep PR's. Still fairly new to it as I've only been using it for several months.



    I personally am using the 5/3/1 Triumvirate and LOVE it. I continue to get progressively stronger and set almost weekly rep PR's. Still fairly new to it as I've only been using it for several months.

    Awesome input.


    Tracy Jarchow

    Probably even more interesting is my wife who has been an avid Crossfitter for several years has started working out with me once or twice a week using this same 5/3/1 program and she has been setting new Crossfit PR's. She is starting to do Crossfit for fun and doing 5/3/1 for strength and power.An additional part of that, maybe a larger part is we have her CNS/CBL nutrition pretty well dialed in!

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5/3/1 Beyond

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