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  • #1078

    Luis S.

    I dont know if this happens to a lot of you, but i figured i couldnt be the only one. There are those days where you wake up and look in the mirror and dont see the slightest difference on your body. Sometimes you even seem to be a bit bloated. Then you go back and try to adjust the diet to see more results. Sometimes your mind plays games with you and frustration and exhaustion get the best of you and doesnt let you clearly see the road ahead of you. Its a long, slow, aggravating progress. Cant wait for the results to pay off.


    Kevin rogers

    Hey Luis, don't worry, I'm pretty sure it happens to most people. There are other factors that do play a role also. Stress is a big one, sleep can be another, and some days our bodies just won't cooperate the way in which we would like.Similiar to days in the gym, some days I feel really good and feel like I could put the gym on my back. Then when I'm in there I actually feel pretty weak. Then other days I'm tired and don't even feel like going, but do, and end up killing it.So just hang in there on the down days and realize you have a tremendous tool here and that you are moving in the right direction by following this protocol.Fist pump!


    Brandon D Christ

    Patience, patience, patience!!  I know it is hard, but your physique takes time to improve.  Some take longer than others and some have to work harder than others.  Stick to the plan and you will see long run results.



    I get that way often. I just want to say “f**k it!” and grab the nearest pint of ice cream. I usually just try to sleep when I get in that mindset. After a good eight hours of sleep any bloating seems to have faded with yesterday. These diets are not for the faint at heart. It takes hard work and determination, but we are all here for you man.


    Luis S.

    Thanks for the support guys! Yeah ive definitely seen some great results, but still nowhere near my goal. Did wake up feeling better this morning though, so im definitely going to kill it at the gym today.  8)



    yes and I am gonna say it may be worse for a woman.  Seems like it takes us even longer for those changes to happen.  It is a game of patience for sure.  Gotta trust it. Maybe taking pictures so you have something to compare it to.



    Advice:Take pictures every week on the same day at the same time. Compare these pictures starting at week 4.



    Definitely been there!Just wrote something like this in my log. I don't feel like cheating the diet, I'm more the mindset "man I'm not losing anything, maybe I'll just fast all day"I always try to punish myself for lack of progress, either through weights or restricting diet. I gotta realize I'm doing it right IT JUST TAKES TIME!I'm sure we've ALL been there from time to time. Otherwise, we wouldn't need books to tell us how to eat  ;D



    Definitely been there!Just wrote something like this in my log. I don't feel like cheating the diet, I'm more the mindset "man I'm not losing anything, maybe I'll just fast all day"I always try to punish myself for lack of progress, either through weights or restricting diet. I gotta realize I'm doing it right IT JUST TAKES TIME!I'm sure we've ALL been there from time to time. Otherwise, we wouldn't need books to tell us how to eat  ;D

    I'm in the same exact mental spot right now. I dropped about 9 lbs. during orientation with my first carb nite on Tuesday. I know I've read a million times already that the scale should not be my primary indicator of success, but I'm currently only 8 pounds down and I keep catching myself getting down about it. I'm not cheating whatsoever on the diet part of it, so I just need to talk myself down of the ledge about once a day this week. I guess it takes a while to reprogram!


    Kevin rogers

    Remember this is a fat loss program not weight loss program.



    That's the thing… since carb nite (3 days ago), my bf hasn't budged. I keep going over what I've eaten in my head to make sure that I didn't mistakenly slip up.


    Kevin rogers

    You might want to keep track of everything that goes in your mouth by logging it down instead of in your head. You would be surprised how quick those carbs add up. 4 carbs here, 6 carbs there and 5 more here adds up pretty quick and that would be half your total for the day. Food for thought.



    Not a bad idea. I've actually been under 20 carbs most days. I'm really careful… but you make a good point! I'll give  it a shot. What's the best website for this? I've seen a bunch.


    Kevin rogers
    Participant  Seem to be the popular ones thrown out around here.

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