Building a Home Gym *Project Complete*

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  • #215290

    Tiago Nicolau

    The lumber i will use for the rack is West African albizzia lumber,Was expensive in this islan, total of 350€ (475$) with labor costs, but well worth it, durable and strong lumber!Now i just need the bolts and metal protections and tubing,This weekend i will mount it and paint it and then my gym is complete with pictures coming 🙂


    Tiago Nicolau

    Here it is my gym project finished


    Tiago Nicolau

    the overall gym


    Tiago Nicolau

    My weights, there are 2x 20kg and 2x10kg missing on this pic since they are at the left


    Tiago Nicolau

    Detail of the wooden rack


    Tiago Nicolau

    More details on the wooden rack


    Tiago Nicolau

    The upper part of the wooden rack

Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)

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Building a Home Gym *Project Complete*

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