Coffee – milk instead of heavy cream?

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    I am wondering if its ok to milk instead of heavy cream for breakfast coffee?I would assume there isn't many carbs in milk so it would be fine. But I saw in this article ( describing Sam Joy and some things he did wrong on the diet "What was I doing wrong? ... putting milk in my coffee instead of cream ..."But it wasn't specifically said by Kiefer that this was bad, just something Sam thought was wrong. So does Kiefer say milk in morning coffee is bad? Or any other experts on this diet?I ask out of convince because my house usually has milk stocked but not cream. Also I prefer milk.



    I wouldn't use milk as it has an oddly high insulin index for the amount of carbs it contains. So not only does it have extra carbs you're not wanting while ULC, it also has an undesired effect on your insulin. GREAT on Carb Nite, not so good in the morning when you're trying to stay a fat burning machine.You prefer milk over heavy whipping cream? But... cream is so much tastier! Maybe water it down if you want, or try almond milk, but stay away from animal milk.Oh, and welcome to the forums!



    Thanks 🙂In Australia we never put cream in our coffee (only milk) so thats why I prefer it. I guess I'll just have to convince our house to start buying cream too!


    Robert Gray

    What I've been advised to do, and has works really well, is to keep tabs on my fat intake and make sure that I don't go crazy with it while eating carbs. My goals are general 80-100g of fat a day, backload included. Depending on your size and goals, foods like pizza and ice cream that combine heavy amounts of fat and carbs will likely need to be monitored closely. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    hey bologray, I edited the carbs bit out of my question into a new thread to help keep things clearer. Thanks for the response and sorry to make more confusion when I was trying clear up the thread 😛

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Coffee – milk instead of heavy cream?

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