Fitness Goals in Russia

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  • #10945

    Richard Schmitt
    Moderator love this Country, but the Russian President has a pretty good mindset for his people.


    Brandon D Christ
    Participant love this Country, but the Russian President has a pretty good mindset for his people.

    Personally I think government should stay away from health and fitness.  What is fitness anyways?  A lot of people would say I'm not fit because I can't run a mile in under 6 minutes or something.


    Richard Schmitt

    True, it doesn't give full detail about they exact plans, but it does sound like just something to get them in shape, as per the Sochi Olympics. Segal has his martial arts background and normally programs like that get people into shape. With health and fitness, a different mindset with adequate help can make a difference, the fact that we were brainwashed into thinking certain nutrition values did leave a poor thought of having a government get involved. So it goes hand in hand, we were brainwashed into thinking one way for nutrition, and now (in a way) brainwashed into thinking a government has no business into health/fitness type goals.


    Brandon D Christ

    True, it doesn't give full detail about they exact plans, but it does sound like just something to get them in shape, as per the Sochi Olympics. Segal has his martial arts background and normally programs like that get people into shape. With health and fitness, a different mindset with adequate help can make a difference, the fact that we were brainwashed into thinking certain nutrition values did leave a poor thought of having a government get involved. So it goes hand in hand, we were brainwashed into thinking one way for nutrition, and now (in a way) brainwashed into thinking a government has no business into health/fitness type goals.

    Well what do you think the government can do to get the population in shape?


    Richard Schmitt

    True, it doesn't give full detail about they exact plans, but it does sound like just something to get them in shape, as per the Sochi Olympics. Segal has his martial arts background and normally programs like that get people into shape. With health and fitness, a different mindset with adequate help can make a difference, the fact that we were brainwashed into thinking certain nutrition values did leave a poor thought of having a government get involved. So it goes hand in hand, we were brainwashed into thinking one way for nutrition, and now (in a way) brainwashed into thinking a government has no business into health/fitness type goals.

    Well what do you think the government can do to get the population in shape?

    I can't say for certain because everyone is different. Granted the way we do things is starting to pick up in both studies and society, the fact that a lot of folks (or establishments) are narrowminded, they'll follow what they want. The environments around them will not help contribute to the changes as well. Cost effectivness and laziness. I.e. fast food chains, and easy accessible processed store foods. I'm sure a slow change could help, limiting certain products, but again the population will do what they want. What the Russian President is doing, is what I believe to be a start to help, is he going to twist their arms into doing this, I doubt it, but the fact that he's trying to help his country into shape, then by all means. It sounds like a volunteer program though.


    Brandon D Christ

    True, it doesn't give full detail about they exact plans, but it does sound like just something to get them in shape, as per the Sochi Olympics. Segal has his martial arts background and normally programs like that get people into shape. With health and fitness, a different mindset with adequate help can make a difference, the fact that we were brainwashed into thinking certain nutrition values did leave a poor thought of having a government get involved. So it goes hand in hand, we were brainwashed into thinking one way for nutrition, and now (in a way) brainwashed into thinking a government has no business into health/fitness type goals.

    Well what do you think the government can do to get the population in shape?

    I can't say for certain because everyone is different. Granted the way we do things is starting to pick up in both studies and society, the fact that a lot of folks (or establishments) are narrowminded, they'll follow what they want. The environments around them will not help contribute to the changes as well. Cost effectivness and laziness. I.e. fast food chains, and easy accessible processed store foods. I'm sure a slow change could help, limiting certain products, but again the population will do what they want. What the Russian President is doing, is what I believe to be a start to help, is he going to twist their arms into doing this, I doubt it, but the fact that he's trying to help his country into shape, then by all means. It sounds like a volunteer program though.

    Well unless you are forcing people to eat a certain way and exercise, it's just lip service and a waste of time and money.  And forcing people to eat a certain way or to exercise seems pretty anti-American to me.People just need to start taking responsibility for themselves.  This country did fine when it wasn't taking health advice from the government. 


    Richard Schmitt

    True, it doesn't give full detail about they exact plans, but it does sound like just something to get them in shape, as per the Sochi Olympics. Segal has his martial arts background and normally programs like that get people into shape. With health and fitness, a different mindset with adequate help can make a difference, the fact that we were brainwashed into thinking certain nutrition values did leave a poor thought of having a government get involved. So it goes hand in hand, we were brainwashed into thinking one way for nutrition, and now (in a way) brainwashed into thinking a government has no business into health/fitness type goals.

    Well what do you think the government can do to get the population in shape?

    I can't say for certain because everyone is different. Granted the way we do things is starting to pick up in both studies and society, the fact that a lot of folks (or establishments) are narrowminded, they'll follow what they want. The environments around them will not help contribute to the changes as well. Cost effectivness and laziness. I.e. fast food chains, and easy accessible processed store foods. I'm sure a slow change could help, limiting certain products, but again the population will do what they want. What the Russian President is doing, is what I believe to be a start to help, is he going to twist their arms into doing this, I doubt it, but the fact that he's trying to help his country into shape, then by all means. It sounds like a volunteer program though.

    Well unless you are forcing people to eat a certain way and exercise, it's just lip service and a waste of time and money.  And forcing people to eat a certain way or to exercise seems pretty anti-American to me.People just need to start taking responsibility for themselves.  This country did fine when it wasn't taking health advice from the government.

    I completely agree, and by no means am I forcing or thinking of forcing anything on anyone. Hell I don't even do that now. Raising awareness isn't a bad idea, but forcing is. It's easier to blame someone else than taking responsibility. I agree we, as a Country, did great. Politics will be Politics though, we can only do so much as a People.


    Adrian Caron

    Too much money in politics to change this (or much of anything) in the US.  Look at how stuff like corn is subsidized, the government regulated/funded public school food programs (mmm government chicken nuggets), even the food pyramid.


    Richard Schmitt

    Yes, unfortunately that is when it all starts, is in the schools…


    Brandon D Christ

    Yes, unfortunately that is when it all starts, is in the schools...

    I think it starts at home.


    Richard Schmitt

    Yes, unfortunately that is when it *keeps going*, is in the schools...

    I think it starts at home.

    I didn't think about that, I edited my last post. That is true, schools continue the process as well as at home. Pretty much the surroundings. The lunches aren't all that great anymore.

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Fitness Goals in Russia

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