New member here in need of some advice.

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    Hello,Im new to the forum here and have both CBL and CNS book I love these programs and find them to be the only thing working for me. But I am in need of some help/advice.I started my journey doing CNS and had amazing results I started off with about 150g Fat and 220g Protein this worked great and I had great success the first two months but then at about 205lbs I started to stall out so I then increased my fats and for the last month I have been dropping at a really low rate and now stalling out at 199lbs again. My main question is when is a good time to switch over to CBL? Im currently doing crossfit 3 days a week and then really heavy lifting 3 days a week. I am extremely active and wonder if that might be playing a role in it as well.? But through the whole CNS program I have been really active and still lost lbs until now.My BackgroundName: RobertAge: 23Starting Weight 03/01/14 : 225lbsCurrent Weight: 199lbsProgram:CNSDaily Fats: 150-170g Daily Protein: 200-210gCalories Daily: 2500-3000


    Richard Schmitt

    You're doing too much training while on CNS.



    You're doing too much training while on CNS.

    +1Low Carb + constant high intensity (Crossfit) is a sure way to create potential metabolic/hormonal damage, not to mention stall progress.



    Thank you guys for the advice would it be better to switch over to CBL with introducing clean carbs 3x a week after my workouts in the evening.? Or just staying on CNS and working out less.?


    Richard Schmitt

    Thank you guys for the advice would it be better to switch over to CBL with introducing clean carbs 3x a week after my workouts in the evening.? Or just staying on CNS and working out less.?

    No giving up your Crossfitting days are you? Haha kidding. What is the goal?



    Thank you guys for the advice would it be better to switch over to CBL with introducing clean carbs 3x a week after my workouts in the evening.? Or just staying on CNS and working out less.?

    No giving up your Crossfitting days are you? Haha kidding. What is the goal?

    lol I don't mind giving up some days I actually love heavy lifting and originally preferred it but when I joined crossfit I became addicted to the competitive nature of the WODs and people there. I figure I can change my workouts there to incorporate more heavy conventional lifting, also the goal was originally to drop down to the 180lb area but I understand that is hard simply because ill be building muscle as well but I would be happy to just continue to lose fat and build muscle. I really just want to lean out my numbers are strong and would like to continue to build strength and size while losing the tire and body fat lol.Deadlift: 465lbsSquat: 355lbsBench: 315lbs


    Richard Schmitt

    Thank you guys for the advice would it be better to switch over to CBL with introducing clean carbs 3x a week after my workouts in the evening.? Or just staying on CNS and working out less.?

    No giving up your Crossfitting days are you? Haha kidding. What is the goal?

    lol I don't mind giving up some days I actually love heavy lifting and originally preferred it but when I joined crossfit I became addicted to the competitive nature of the WODs and people there. I figure I can change my workouts there to incorporate more heavy conventional lifting, also the goal was originally to drop down to the 180lb area but I understand that is hard simply because ill be building muscle as well but I would be happy to just continue to lose fat and build muscle. I really just want to lean out my numbers are strong and would like to continue to build strength and size while losing the tire and body fat lol.Deadlift: 465lbsSquat: 355lbsBench: 315lbs

    Okay so you're wanting to drop weight? Why? I would think the goal would be to lose body fat? Weight shouldn't truly matter unless you're trying to get to a certain weight class for a meet. Gaining strength can occur with losing body fat too. Your problem is that you are training way too much for someone on CNS. The three heavy days is plenty for you, until you understand how to train while ULC. A crossfit WOD isn't a bad idea maybe a day or two post-CN, but if that's the case might as well do CBL SA. You're raising cortisol/stress levels where that "tire" you want is lose, will continue to stay there or get bigger if you don't alter training. If your nutrition is on point, but training does pair with it, you won't be happy.



    Your absolutely right! I want to drop body fat not weight sorry. But as far as training goes I think I will try and change up my program a bit.Would it be fine to do something like Heavy lifting before a wod 3x a week only and the other days just work on walking on incline or accessory lifts.? or is it better to just overall switch to CBL.?


    Richard Schmitt

    Your absolutely right! I want to drop body fat not weight sorry. But as far as training goes I think I will try and change up my program a bit.Would it be fine to do something like Heavy lifting before a wod 3x a week only and the other days just work on walking on incline or accessory lifts.? or is it better to just overall switch to CBL.?

    Again you're doing too much on a given day while on CNS. Especially if you're stalling. I would cut the WODs out or limit them greatly. Maybe once or twice a week. I guarantee that your workouts will last 2+ hours, with both strength work and the crossfit. The other days would be great for doing nothing, except for walking around the neighborhood. If you're at a good body fat, say 15%, I would think doing a CBL SA approach might be a good idea if you're not willing to drop training a bit.

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