So I have been on the CNS train for a long time! Love the diet, hate that i keep sabotaging it! I could only imagine where I would be had I stuck with it this whole time! Anywho that's another story for another day…So Bulletproof Coffee. I have a question/Problem with it. Is it really as effective as everyone thinks it is? My reasoning for bringing this up is that can that much fat in the morning slow your progress?I was doing BP Coffee and have 1tbs of butter, 2tbs of MCT, and 1tbs of HWC along with a stevia packet or two. Now if you do the math on that, It's around 42g of FAT! Now i know that the coffee is supposed to keep you satiated and keep hunger away to extend the fast, however, wouldn't your body use ALL that fat that i just drank for energy? Thus stalling my natural fat burning???Its something I have been pondering for a while....Am I the only one that thinks about this?Or am I just crazy?HELP!!??!!??!!??