Think I’ve got the basics

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    So I've got a pretty solid handle on what carb backloading is. Here's a rundown of what I believe it to be: start off every day with coffee and don't eat until 3-4 hours after waking. For that first meal keep carbs as low as possible and go for meats and low carb veggies. Train at 4:30 then for the next 60-120 minutes get your carbs in through high gi sources that'll cause an insulin spike. After that window is shut stick to meats and low carb veggies.8:00 coffee with cream12:00 Chicken breast,tuna,lettuce,turkey,spinach etc4:30-5:30 train5:30-7:00 add in high gi carbs that cause an insulin spike. Protein would be included too correct?7:00-10:00 again stick to chicken breast,tuna,lettuce,turkey,spinach etc if you're hungryOn the off days stick to keeping carbs as low as possible. Just meats and low carb veggies.So I think I've got the nuts and bolts down for carb backloading. If I'm wildly wrong on anything call me out and correct me. Thanks


    Lasse Elsbak

    1: You need way more fat in the first part of your day – this is your fuel!2: Yes, you need protein in your post-workout shake/meal.3: Where is your back-load? High GI carbs immediately after training is not enough. You need carbs at night as well.4: 30g is the limit for carbs on off days and before training.🙂



    pretty positive you should eat your carbs up until going to bed. However I could be wrong, and I'm sure it depends on the size of the individual. So more fat pre-workout (steak>chicken,tuna,turkey), more carbs post. Don't worry too much about cals as CBL'ing is essentially hacking the body to do what we want. Oh and don't forget the prep-phase.



    Thanks for the repliesMore fat in the morning (coconut oil), more carbs post training and the preperation phase. Preparation phase is about 5-10 days zero carbs if I'm not mistaken. About the carbs at night I know that high gi carbs immediately after training is a necessity and can't be done with brown rice oatmeal etc. After that do you continue eating high gi carbs for the rest of the night or can you move to lower gi carbs?



    The book answers all of these questions….Edit I still stand by my original post, but if I'm looking at your profile correctly, you already have the book. You'd probably get better answers in the "Official Q&A" forum vs the one visible to the public.

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Think I’ve got the basics

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