Renegade Diet

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    Anybody checked this out? I came across it while bouncing around the net and the summary looked very simalar to CBL.ย  Not trying to upset the CBL nation as I am one of you, though I very infrequently post. Is it a ripoff of CBL? Kinda seemed it.



    I actually followed this (loosely), before finding CNS and CBL'ingIt's kind of just mashes up leangains, warrior diet, paleo, and carb-backloading. However, it's not as precise as CBL'ing, and I can only assume not as beneficial.It's probably okay for general health (as it also focuses a lot on detoxing the body which is great), however CBL'ing is far superior IMO


    Conrado Tiu

    I actually followed this (loosely), before finding CNS and CBL'ingIt's kind of just mashes up leangains, warrior diet, paleo, and carb-backloading. However, it's not as precise as CBL'ing, and I can only assume not as beneficial.It's probably okay for general health (as it also focuses a lot on detoxing the body which is great), however CBL'ing is far superior IMO

    +1ย  It seems after 5 years of "publishing" leangains everyone is getting on the Martin IF wagon, 10 years if you look at Ori's Warrior's, etc. John Romaniello has his own version, so does Joel Marion, and as now you see Ferrugia etc. etc. What is fascinating is that they all came out (the copycats) around the same time. At least Romaniello acknowledges his sources and gives them credit (and he is funny). Yes, CBL is superior.ย  And CNS (aka cheat days, cheat your way thin, extreme fat loss diet, etc., from the copycats) was also superior in its day and still holds its own today.



    Wow. Id have to admit that I am not up to par on all the diets of the world (obviously.) I had no idea that there were so many people who tweaked the same basic principles and claimed originality. Thanks for the responses.


    Naomi Most

    Kiefer was the first person to write and publish an article detailing how and why GLUT-4 activation could be used.Just sayin!ย  ๐Ÿ˜€



    Kiefer was the first person to write and publish an article detailing how and why GLUT-4 activation could be used.Just sayin!ย  ๐Ÿ˜€

    Naomi,Is there like a Kiefer bibliography list anywhere on the site?ย  (Just a collection of all the articles he's written or something)If not, I'll bet a lot of people would totally pay for itย  ๐Ÿ˜‰-Adam



    Jason has referenced Kiefer on his forums before and Im not sure but he may have done so in the book as well, I know he definitely gives credit to Martin.But really is there ever an original idea? or are they all peoples own personal spins on what they think are optimal/marketable?I mean wasnt Kiefers CNS very similar to Depasquels (spelling), the metabolic solution diet? It was just his own spin/improvements/beliefs/ideas that he put into it.



    Kiefer was the first person to write and publish an article detailing how and why GLUT-4 activation could be used.Just sayin!ย  ๐Ÿ˜€

    I remember learning about glut4 in bio-chem of exc science a few years ago and at the time thinking thatd be a great time to have carbs. I never made the connections that Kiefer did, mine was just a general observation of how to make use of it, based on previous recommendations of the post workout shake idea.I always enjoy reading stuff from people that are able to make connections and put it all together.

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