Feeling Hypo through the day

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    Ryan Neave

    I started the prep phase the other week but quickly ditched it on day 8 as I started to feel hypoglycemic, didn't know what it was at the time and it scared the hell out of me!    I went back to my old diet of eating carbs proteins and fats morning noon and night but now after several days of feeling up and down with hypos here and there, Im left wondering what the hell is going on with my metabolism, and how best to continue from a dietary perspective, Any advice would be greatly appreciated 


    Richard Schmitt

    I started the prep phase the other week but quickly ditched it on day 8 as I started to feel hypoglycemic, didn't know what it was at the time and it scared the hell out of me!  I went back to my old diet of eating carbs proteins and fats morning noon and night but now after several days of feeling up and down with hypos here and there, Im left wondering what the hell is going on with my metabolism, and how best to continue from a dietary perspective, Any advice would be greatly appreciated

    Well it's surely not CBL anymore, so the old diet is probably messing with your body because you resorted back to that. Normally having a fat with a protein will help the hypoglycemic feeling during the ULC part of the day. Now with carbs, you're spiking insulin.


    Ryan Neave

    So if I was to go back to CBL which I do intend of doing, should I skip the Prep phase now, as my metabolism is now pretty much fat adjusted?


    Richard Schmitt

    It depends, yes and no. I would try to go ULC maybe for a few days, but the problem is reverting back to your old diet. Going hypoglycemic happens, just up the fat or have a fat when this happens. Kiefer put out a video “Tubecast” a while back about adding fat to eggs to stop hypoglycemic reactions.


    Ryan Neave

    Yes I tried the eggs in butter in  the morning and kept my fats high all day,  I definitely felt alot better through the day 🙂


    Penny Danner

    Yes I tried the eggs in butter in  the morning and kept my fats high all day,  I definitely felt alot better through the day 🙂

    Good! 🙂  Glad you are feeling better. 


    Ryan Neave

    Also found caffeine is exaggerating my symptoms (took me another week to realize!), Note: to self avoid Caffeine if feeling Hypo.

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Feeling Hypo through the day

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