cbl virgin needs help, please

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    hey folks. I am looking for some advice.I know its allot of questions but I really appreciate the advice.A little aboutme. I am 24 year old male.about 6ft and weight about 85kg. probably around 15%body fat.picture of me below.I used to be a fatty.My goal is to get ripped for the end of august.over 2months away.question 1 :with that time frame, should I just concentrate on the cut or could I keep adding muscle for another month then just cut with like carb night for 3 weeks?question two: I am confused about how much to eat,he says to not count kcals, but left by myself I can eat non stop. Although mostly clean foodsquestion 3(last one i promise) If cutting, can i rotate between cbl and cb? like switch each week or so. AS I AM LIFTING 4 DAYS HEAVY PER WEEK?thanks folks,I know its allot of questions but I really appreciate the advice


    Richard Schmitt

    1) Probably do CNS if fat loss is the goal2) 1g/LBM for protein and try to get around the same amount for fats or a rough .65-7g/LBM.3)Yes, it depends on the goal too.



    Getting ripped in two months time seems very optimistic I think. And for me, counting kcals is necessary for me to lose fat (I'm around 10% bf). I'm going for a daily 500 kcal deficit. I can also keep eating unless someone stops me, haha.


    thanks for the reply. yup I know it is optimistic. but I think I could at least get the six pack out If I am consistant.So that would mean If I do carb night solution I should be eating about 190g of protein and 190g fat? so about 2500 kcals?also out of interest. on the carb night, do I keep kcals the same but replace fats with carbs?thanks a million folks.I appreciate the advice


    Brandon D Christ

    I would use Carb Nite if you want to look leaner.  To be honest with you though you will just look skinny, not ripped.  You aren't muscular enough to look ripped.


    I would use Carb Nite if you want to look leaner.  To be honest with you though you will just look skinny, not ripped.  You aren't muscular enough to look ripped.

    Agreed. Focusing on a long term recomp and try to get more muscle mass over the next year or so.


    the photo does me no justice, I have a good amount of muscle.at my leanest I had some definition but lose it quickly after a carbload (maybe eating too much ). what if I drop kcals to 2500 (about 500 deficit). while still keeping some carbs but just post workout and high GI? and then ultra low carb on off daysthen maybe carb night solution coming up the the dead line? I could do it the opposite way also? It's just I love to train (personal trainer) and I don't like how the lifting suffers when low carb for too long


    Brandon D Christ

    the photo does me no justice, I have a good amount of muscle.at my leanest I had some definition but lose it quickly after a carbload (maybe eating too much ). what if I drop kcals to 2500 (about 500 deficit). while still keeping some carbs but just post workout and high GI? and then ultra low carb on off daysthen maybe carb night solution coming up the the dead line? I could do it the opposite way also? It's just I love to train (personal trainer) and I don't like how the lifting suffers when low carb for too long

    I'm not basing this off the photo.  I'm going off your height and weight.  To put things in perspective I am 6 inches shorter than you and only five pounds less.  I am pretty muscular, but I am not freakish by any means.  A muscular guy who is 6 ft tall would be well over 200 lbs.  At 15% body he would be about 250 lbs.  I think you can lean down with CBL, but I don't think you will get as lean as you want in two months.  Carb Nite would be your best bet.  Then I would transition to a CBL after that.If it were me I'd focus on gaining muscle, but that's because I don't get the skinny ab thing.  I'd rather be jacked and kind of chubby then be skinny with a six pack.  However, this isn't about me.  It's about you and your goals.  So I would recommend Carb Nite.


    the photo does me no justice, I have a good amount of muscle.at my leanest I had some definition but lose it quickly after a carbload (maybe eating too much ). what if I drop kcals to 2500 (about 500 deficit). while still keeping some carbs but just post workout and high GI? and then ultra low carb on off daysthen maybe carb night solution coming up the the dead line? I could do it the opposite way also? It's just I love to train (personal trainer) and I don't like how the lifting suffers when low carb for too long

    I'm not basing this off the photo.  I'm going off your height and weight.  To put things in perspective I am 6 inches shorter than you and only five pounds less.  I am pretty muscular, but I am not freakish by any means.  A muscular guy who is 6 ft tall would be well over 200 lbs.  At 15% body he would be about 250 lbs.  I think you can lean down with CBL, but I don't think you will get as lean as you want in two months.  Carb Nite would be your best bet.  Then I would transition to a CBL after that.If it were me I'd focus on gaining muscle, but that's because I don't get the skinny ab thing.  I'd rather be jacked and kind of chubby then be skinny with a six pack.  However, this isn't about me.  It's about you and your goals.  So I would recommend Carb Nite.

    thanks for the feed back bro, too be honest My goal is a silly one. I am going to a festival and want to dress like bane. But just be lean. After that It is winter time so I will be concentrating on surfing. lean is better for me as it's lighter on the surf. Ok I will try that out so thank you. do you think 2500 is good if on carb night?



    the photo does me no justice, I have a good amount of muscle.at my leanest I had some definition but lose it quickly after a carbload (maybe eating too much ). what if I drop kcals to 2500 (about 500 deficit). while still keeping some carbs but just post workout and high GI? and then ultra low carb on off daysthen maybe carb night solution coming up the the dead line? I could do it the opposite way also? It's just I love to train (personal trainer) and I don't like how the lifting suffers when low carb for too long

    I'm not basing this off the photo.  I'm going off your height and weight.  To put things in perspective I am 6 inches shorter than you and only five pounds less.  I am pretty muscular, but I am not freakish by any means.  A muscular guy who is 6 ft tall would be well over 200 lbs.  At 15% body he would be about 250 lbs.  I think you can lean down with CBL, but I don't think you will get as lean as you want in two months.  Carb Nite would be your best bet.  Then I would transition to a CBL after that.If it were me I'd focus on gaining muscle, but that's because I don't get the skinny ab thing.  I'd rather be jacked and kind of chubby then be skinny with a six pack.  However, this isn't about me.  It's about you and your goals.  So I would recommend Carb Nite.

    yea i'm 5'11 185 at around 12% id guess now and i wouldn't consider myself having a lot of muscle personallyAlso to the OP i'm the type that prefers the shredded look over the bulkier jacked look personally i like marc fitt's philosophy on getting yourself to 8-10% then slowly work on putting more muscle on from there


    Brandon D Christ

    Also to the OP i'm the type that prefers the shredded look over the bulkier jacked look personally i like marc fitt's philosophy on getting yourself to 8-10% then slowly work on putting more muscle on from there

    The problem with this approach is that it is difficult to get that lean without being fairly muscular.  Ultimately I think it takes longer than just recomping.



    Also to the OP i'm the type that prefers the shredded look over the bulkier jacked look personally i like marc fitt's philosophy on getting yourself to 8-10% then slowly work on putting more muscle on from there

    The problem with this approach is that it is difficult to get that lean without being fairly muscular.  Ultimately I think it takes longer than just recomping.

    i don't see it being that much more difficult unless you had almost no muscle at all and you obviously wouldn't look that great as you would basically be a twig... but yea when talking marc fitt he is talking about people who already lift and more along the lines of instead of doing the standard bulking up and cutting down just get lean and slowly gain from there


    Brandon D Christ

    Also to the OP i'm the type that prefers the shredded look over the bulkier jacked look personally i like marc fitt's philosophy on getting yourself to 8-10% then slowly work on putting more muscle on from there

    The problem with this approach is that it is difficult to get that lean without being fairly muscular.  Ultimately I think it takes longer than just recomping.

    i don't see it being that much more difficult unless you had almost no muscle at all and you obviously wouldn't look that great as you would basically be a twig... but yea when talking marc fitt he is talking about people who already lift and more along the lines of instead of doing the standard bulking up and cutting down just get lean and slowly gain from there

    Ok well in that case I would agree with that.

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cbl virgin needs help, please

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