Do I carb backload on resistance days but not on intense tennis days?

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    Hi. So I'm new and have a number of questions which I will post in a row since different topics will interest different people. First off I'm 1/2 way through the book. I'm a 42 yo female sitting( actually firmly plateaued for 2+years) at about 20-22% bf. I do lc paleo and have done ketogenic but essentially cb because it was always too tough to maintain( though I don't think I always had my timing right). Anyhow I have about 10-12lbs of stubborn body fat ( on lower body only!!) that I want off... Badly. I've trained hard 5-6 days a week. I've calorie restricted. Paleo and low carb works great for me in that I am weight stable but... The 10lbs just don't come off. I am hypothyroid( minimally) and have started both thyroid supplementation (desicated bovine) and adrenal ( desicated bovine) supplementation based on my blood work now 6 weeks ago. That's me. Okay so the first question is do I carb backload on days when I do a tennis training session but not a resistance session. I wear a polar monitor and my tennis days vary from a 500 kcal ( easier session for me about 1.5 hours) 1 time a week, to a tougher 600-700 calorie 1.5 hour session 2x a week to a more significant 3 hour 1200kcal session 1-2x a week. I do resistance train also 1-2 times per week. Trx training and some kettle bells and self weight stuff usually for about 45 min. So do I only carb backload on the resistance training days or should I also do it on the harder tennis days. How hard of tennis days. The really intense ones only or the mid level also?Trying to get a handle on if I have been backloading too much... Like on most days I do tennis. If you should only backload on resistance training days should you try to stay ketogenic the other days... Like under 60g net carbs( seems like that is what it takes for me).Thanks for sharing your experience as I learn this. Feel free to point me to other posts I may have missed  đŸ˜‰ Thanks!


    Richard Schmitt

    CBL like discussed in the book, is designed to Backload after resistance training with heavy weights. Not anaerobic sports like tennis. Also, I'm not sure where you got 60g for ULC days, but it is 30g.


    Hmm I see… So even on heavy anaerobic training days you don't increase carbs… Only for resistance training. So I wonder if I would be better off with carbnite?? I asked before Purchased the book and they suggested for my quantity of training that cb was the right way to go. I got 60g because that is about what I can usually eat and still register ketones via urine.  I can stay somewhat ketogenic at that level still so that is where I got it. Thanks! For the response!


    Richard Schmitt

    To be honest, yes with CNS. If you plan to train more with weights, then adjusting to CBL will be okay.

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Do I carb backload on resistance days but not on intense tennis days?

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