example carb nite?

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    Does anyone have an example of a typical 1st and maybe a few following carb nites. Like maybe a meal plan? I'm just looking for something to follow to keep my first and following carb nites within standard deviation. I don't want to get to crazy and be counter productive. I've searched the book and I didn't find any real specifics. How do yall start your carb nites? Do you concern yourself with sugar from desserts and sweet stuff or do you not really worry about it?


    Penny Danner

    I'll give you some examples of mine.  Women will be different than men though as you get to eat more because you burn up your glycogen stores faster than we do.  You lucky ducks!I think I went a little haywire my first few CNs but the last month or so (other than my birthday CN) I've kept it under control more.  I had to experiment with the amount of carbs that I need to eat in order to lose well the next week.  For me that is around 275-300g.So lately my CNs start out with a workout (my weakest body parts/shoulders/tris...and I throw in hip thrusts just for good measure. 😉 )I come home and fix up my whey protein shake but i use milk ONLY then..2%, fat free....whatever.  I have also been known to throw in a Pixy Stix (remember those candies?) because it is made of dextrose.  Dextrose is good/corn syrup is good.... (not my scientific explanation)...and it goes right into those muscles as glycogen.  Sucrose can end up stored in fat cells so even though I DO eat some sugar on CN, I try to focus it on dextrose/corn syrup goodies.  So I have my shake with/without Pixy Stix and 7 pixy sticks (I eat those separately) OR Smarties candies (dextrose).  I'll sometimes have homemade rice krispy treats OR Fruity Pebbles with milk.  One time I had a cupcake or part of one.  You just want a really good spike to begin with.  Oh and I've had some gluten free cookies that are made with rice flour and they spike me pretty good.Then I'll wait (and try to stay awake) about 2.5-3hrs and eat a meal.  I've had sushi, pizza, fried shrimp/real french fries (white potatoes are good) made from the real potatoes, steak fries from Red Robin and a burger, Tacos and nachos; this Fri will be grilled shrimp/crab cakes and white rice I think.Then I'll wait until around 9:30-10 before bed and eat a pint of ice cream.  I LOVE LOVE my ice cream.  I used to buy Haagan Daz because of the simple ingredients...I like 3 or 4 literally.  But I've changed over to Talenti gelato.  Still just a few ingredients and one of those is DEXTROSE!!I had cake on my birthday....like a HUGE piece of red velvet cake (and I had part of a piece last Fri but I swear it is so sickly sweet, I won't do that again).  I have the WORST hangovers with that cake!  I made a pecan pie for my husband for Father's day (from corn syup and sucrose only because I didn't have dextrose) and it was SOOO good...but soooo sweet!  I plan on making him a banana pudding for his birthday..the CN closest to his bday.Some people choose to keep it super clean with sweet potatoes, rice, white potatoes. I try to have 3 good spikes....a few hours each, 1 with some goodie (I had some doughnuts one time too), a meal with carb, then a dessert/ice cream.


    Richard Schmitt

    No, just eat high glycemic carbs with your meals, and just don't stuff yourself sick. There really isn't a meal guideline with a CN, except like I mentioned above.


    So as long as I get some spikes I am good to go it sounds like…. as long as I don't eat 13 cupcakes or anything crazy like that. So basically just high gi carbs and sweets are a go within reason but shoot for dextrose if I can. Sound about right?


    Richard Schmitt

    Insulin spikes are what you're after, so white rice, white potatoes, glucose based starches are ideal.


    Penny Danner


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example carb nite?

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