CN and Pregnancy

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    Our daughter (30) has been on CN for about 12 weeks and has recently learned she is pregnant with #2.  Is it OK for her to continue with ULC?  Her OB/gyn is old school/traditional/unenlightened about nutrition. 


    Richard Schmitt

    I believe the second Q&A podcast covers this from bother Kiefer and Dr. Patel.



    Thanks very much.  But I'm finding that locating the podcasts is confusing.  I'm seeing some on and some on, but none refered to as “Q&A #2 with Kiefer and Dr. Patel”.  Can you explain/point me in the right direction?  Are they on iTunes more organized?


    Penny Danner

    Jenelle Brewer

    They are on iTunes more organized.  Just search “” and they should come up in order.



    If she was mid-pregnancy, or mid-nursing, etc and wanted to start it, I'd say that would be a little more “risky” in that it would be another stress to the body in addition to what is already going on, and it would essentially be changing the baby's diet also which can be rough.But.. Since she's already been on it for a decent amount of time, I'd assume a decent amount of adaptation, so it SHOULD be completely fine.But I'm not a Doctor 🙂

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CN and Pregnancy

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