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  • #11543

    Sarah Lamb

    I have been doing CBL for about 2 weeks now, and have gained 5lbs. Is there a transition phase, when you first start. I lift heavy, have been training for several years. I would not be concerned if my pants weren't getting a little tight. I did change my workout to one body part per week. Doing 16 sets for body part with different exercises. Example, DB shoulder press, 4 sets, 10-12 reps, lateral raises, 4sets10-12reps, etc… I follow the diet, but it may be missing something. Try to keep carbs low during day, train around 3pm, then the protein shake, then dinner. I don't back load every workout. I realize it is hard to answer question, without a lot if detail. My main question was is there a transition phase before everything starts to kick in gear, so to speak. Thanks!


    Do you at least of a general idea of what you are eating? You can still over eat.Also, what did you train like before? You don't have to train with a "bro-split" to make it work.


    Sarah Lamb

    I was training each body part 2x a week. One session heavy the next light. I could very well be over eating. Fiber I intake roughly 35-40 grams, fat 55-75, protein 175-200, which I know is probably to high. Usable carbs, 40-50. So it is safe to say my bulk of calories are probably from protein. I guess I am having trouble finding the balance. Thanks for the help!


    Brandon D Christ

    Please post the following so we can make an assessment:-  Weight-  Sex -  Body fat percentage (if known)-  Height-  Goal-  Training experienceAlso in my experience, bodypart splits don't work well for CBL.  I would do either 3 full body workouts per week or an upper/lower split (2 days upper body, 2 days lower body).  The problem with having a "chest day" and "shoulder day" is that not enough muscle gets worked to make GLUT4 work to a noticeable effect.  Also not very much glycogen gets depleted either.  This is especially true for women.If you are physique competitor and must use a bodypart split, you are going to have to either decrease the backload frequency or preferably, the carbs per backload.


    Sarah Lamb

    Ok here we go:Female120 (was115 2weeks ago)Body fat last checked few months ago 15percentAge 52Resistance training for over 30 yearsHeight 5'6"Goal is to not gain fat as body changes around women my age. So I just need some guidance on where I may be going wrong or that I  have no clue to what to do, even though I have read the book twice. I come from the era of " low fat" that was ingrained in our heads, for years. Now as I do more research they were wrong, but I still have trouble getting low. Fat out of my head. It's a challenge but one that will be beat.And to rethink my training schedule.Thank you all for the help and patience.


    Brandon D Christ

    Ok here we go:Female120 (was115 2weeks ago)Body fat last checked few months ago 15percentAge 52Resistance training for over 30 yearsHeight 5'6"Goal is to not gain fat as body changes around women my age. So I just need some guidance on where I may be going wrong or that I  have no clue to what to do, even though I have read the book twice. I come from the era of " low fat" that was ingrained in our heads, for years. Now as I do more research they were wrong, but I still have trouble getting low. Fat out of my head. It's a challenge but one that will be beat.And to rethink my training schedule.Thank you all for the help and patience.

    Thank you

    I was training each body part 2x a week. One session heavy the next light. I could very well be over eating. Fiber I intake roughly 35-40 grams, fat 55-75, protein 175-200, which I know is probably to high. Usable carbs, 40-50. So it is safe to say my bulk of calories are probably from protein. I guess I am having trouble finding the balance. Thanks for the help!

    Is this your backload or is this when you are ULC? 


    Sarah Lamb



    Brandon D Christ


    As you mentioned you are having a bit too much protein, not quite enough fat, and too many carbs.  The carbs likely isn't a huge issue, but I would stick to the 30 g limit.  Reduce your protein to 120 g and bump fat up to 95 g.  Now the important part, what do your backloads and training days look like?


    Sarah Lamb

    I train 5days a week, each body part 2x. I do have trouble with getting enough fat without eating the same things all the time. I have food intolerances, which limit some of the foods. Gluten, olives and olive oil, egg yolks, most nuts except pistachios, and almonds. My backload can be anything from homemade ice cream and banana. Then maybe some homemade GF cookies and some almond butter. I am probably not getting the back loading on target. Still in trial and error stage. I also have a job where I can walk up to 10 miles a day. Thanks!


    Brandon D Christ

    I train 5days a week, each body part 2x. I do have trouble with getting enough fat without eating the same things all the time. I have food intolerances, which limit some of the foods. Gluten, olives and olive oil, egg yolks, most nuts except pistachios, and almonds. My backload can be anything from homemade ice cream and banana. Then maybe some homemade GF cookies and some almond butter. I am probably not getting the back loading on target. Still in trial and error stage. I also have a job where I can walk up to 10 miles a day. Thanks!

    Ok, try cleaning up your backload a little bit.  Try eating starches and less sweets.  I personally like potatoes a lot.Also, keep in mind women, especially smaller women like yourself, can't handle many carbs.  I doubt you would want to exceed 150 g in your backloads.


    Sarah Lamb

    Thanks so much!

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