Diabetic ketoacidosis

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  • #11600

    Can Carb Back Loading cause this at all? I just wonder because the morning after a carb load. I pee a lot then again it may just be my coffee. I also notice when I eat myCarbs during a back load I get that sweet taste in my mouth. I'm pretty sure if I've been in Diabetic Ketoacidosis for a while is be dead but I'm gonna ask anyways.Depth before dishonor!!!!


    P.s I also get that sweet taste in my mouth after eating high fat meals aswellDepth before dishonor!!!!


    Jenelle Brewer

    Ketoacidosis only happens to people who are diabetic.  It is when ketones are high AND blood glucose is high.  Are you diabetic?Edited to say:  There is also alcoholic ketoacidosis on Wikipedia.  This one has not been mentioned in Jimmy Moore's book, so I was not aware of it.  😉 


    The short, no.


    Brandon D Christ

    I don't understand why people think CBL or CNS would cause problems with insulin or blood sugar.  When you compare it to how the average American eats, the glycemic load is much lower.As curious said, ketoacidosis only occurs in diabetics.@Jerome_Foehammer, I think you need to read this Wikipedia article:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberchondria


    Thanks Ibob* I'll take my uneducated mind and learn me some goodDepth before dishonor!!!!



    I am a type 2 diabetic. I take no medication, and I have never had problems with blood sugar unless I get really dumb, and try to pound over 100g of carbs in a sitting. My a1c has been at 5.1 or 5.2 for the last two years that I have been doing CN/CBL style dieting. I can only think of two instances where I had higher than desired post prandial numbers. One involved eating too much white rice combined with a serving of yuca fries, and the other involved accidentely eating an entire pint of ben and jerry's.


    Accidentally? Depth before dishonor!!!!


    Jenelle Brewer


    These things happen, you know.  😀



    Yes, was eating http://www.benjerry.com/flavors/thats-my-jam-core and finished the pint before I knew what happened.  It snuck up on me, honest!


    Sneaky icecream man gotta watch outDepth before dishonor!!!!




    These things happen, you know.  😀

    I've accidentally ate 2 tubs in one sitting...and a cheesecake, all accidentally.

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Diabetic ketoacidosis

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