WOD lifts heel raise

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    http://wodlifts.com/Has anyone seen these or tried them?It seems like it make be a good option for people who want a heel raise of a squat shoe but doesn't have the money to drop on a pair. I may pick a pair up soon just to see how they feel.


    Brandon D Christ

    http://wodlifts.com/Has anyone seen these or tried them?It seems like it make be a good option for people who want a heel raise of a squat shoe but doesn't have the money to drop on a pair. I may pick a pair up soon just to see how they feel.

    That's pretty cool.  Though I really do not recommend squatting in running shoes. 


    http://wodlifts.com/Has anyone seen these or tried them?It seems like it make be a good option for people who want a heel raise of a squat shoe but doesn't have the money to drop on a pair. I may pick a pair up soon just to see how they feel.

    That's pretty cool.  Though I really do not recommend squatting in running shoes.

    I agree, normal running shoes are terrible to lift in.I'd be interested in trying them in the Crossfit lite's. The shoes feel so good and be far I feel the most stable in them compared to any shoe I've used before, I even did some squatting in them and it felt good, I just prefer a heel raise.


    Brandon D Christ

    http://wodlifts.com/Has anyone seen these or tried them?It seems like it make be a good option for people who want a heel raise of a squat shoe but doesn't have the money to drop on a pair. I may pick a pair up soon just to see how they feel.

    That's pretty cool.  Though I really do not recommend squatting in running shoes.

    I agree, normal running shoes are terrible to lift in.I'd be interested in trying them in the Crossfit lite's. The shoes feel so good and be far I feel the most stable in them compared to any shoe I've used before, I even did some squatting in them and it felt good, I just prefer a heel raise.

    Same with me.  I have Crossfit lites and I use them for deadlifts and everything else.  I'm so quad dominant that heeled shoes just work better for me.


    New to lifting and never thought about shoes…what kind of shoes are recommended?



    New to lifting and never thought about shoes...what kind of shoes are recommended?

    In the end the answer is it depends. I personally prefer flatter and less cushion for lower body work. I have used Oly shoes on and off for lower body work as well. I use my running shoes pretty much only for running.A few options as far as in the gym:NB Minimus trainersReebok CF shoesVibrams


    Brandon D Christ

    You really just want non-compressible soles


    Thanks.  Got some Nike trainers and much better.

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WOD lifts heel raise

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