4 Steps to Heal Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disease

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    Richard Schmitt

    http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/989398-4-steps-to-heal-leaky-gut-and-autoimmune-disease/I'm considering in getting some L-Glutamine, and Licorice Root. Also since Raw Dairy tends to help, I may end up trying more Raw Cheese and Pastured Kefir, maybe Raw Milk ;D


    Holly Dulaney

    I love me some raw milk!!!!  Once you go raw you'll never go back! 


    Good article.  I found a raw goat cheddar that I love.  Probiotics, digestive enzymes and raw fermented veggies have done wonders for me, as well as a very intentional sleep habit and no caffeine.  Caffeine, sugar and stress did me in. 


    Jenelle Brewer

    Tex, I have not read the article but I just wanted to say that I am a big believer in the power of L-glutamine.  That is the only supplement I take post-workout right now.  (I have been using it off and on for almost 2 years now.)I forgot to take it the other day, and I was *noticeably* more sore than usual.  For two days.This is the one I have right now:  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0013OSIY2/ref=wms_ohs_product?ie=UTF8&psc=1We have also used NOW brand.


    Richard Schmitt

    Thank you Curious, I have never used it because I've always heard mixed opinions, but anything to help my condition is most appreciated.


    Brandon D Christ

    Be careful with glutamine.  That can make your gut worse depending on the brand.


    Be careful with glutamine.  That can make your gut worse depending on the brand.

    Beat me to it


    Richard Schmitt

    …exactly my point of the different opinions haha..


    Jenelle Brewer

    I have not heard that before, and I am glad.  Because I have dealt with digestive issues for what seems like my entire life, I probably would have been afraid to try it.I have had zero problems with the brands of bulk powders I mentioned above.  And I do feel that it has been a help to gut healing, not a hindrance.  Of course, we are all individual and what works for one may not work for another.  I think it's best to try something out with an open mind, and see what you notice.  I know that is sometimes hard to do, though.  Example:  Creatine.  I may or may not have been gaining weight on that -- but because I had heard others' stories of weight gain, it made me nervous and I stopped taking it.  (For now).  😉


    Brandon D Christ

    I have not heard that before, and I am glad.  Because I have dealt with digestive issues for what seems like my entire life, I probably would have been afraid to try it.I have had zero problems with the brands of bulk powders I mentioned above.  And I do feel that it has been a help to gut healing, not a hindrance.  Of course, we are all individual and what works for one may not work for another.  I think it's best to try something out with an open mind, and see what you notice.  I know that is sometimes hard to do, though.  Example:  Creatine.  I may or may not have been gaining weight on that -- but because I had heard others' stories of weight gain, it made me nervous and I stopped taking it.  (For now).  😉

    Creatine will likely make you gain weight because it encourages water retention in the muscles.  This is actually good though because since it's intramuscular, your muscles will look fuller.As far as glutamine, I once tried supplementing with it, and I was on the toilet within 30 minutes of taking a few grams.


    Richard Schmitt

    I may give this brand a shot. What is one more trip to the toilet going to do? Haha


    Igor Vidovic

    I use dymatize glutamine in my intra and post workout shake without any ill side effects and have been for over a year.

    training log

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4 Steps to Heal Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disease

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