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    Penny Danner

    My friend and I were talking about goals.  Mine is a fat loss goal right now.  But she is at a place where she is pretty happy with her body.  No fat loss goals (lost winter gain with CN), not really PR goals….just wants to continue adding weight to the bar.  Doesn't feel that she has the equipment in order to train for a powerlifting meet and it would put pressure on herself to always be beating herself in her PRs....considered figure competition but doesnt' feel comfortable being "on display".So what other kind of goals?  She just doesn't want to gain weight over the winter again...and health goals aren't enticing enough for her she says.  I've been thinking about this too a bit after I no longer have fat loss goals, where do you go other than PRs?  She doesn't have anyone in her life (and isn't online a whole lot) that really cares or understands about those.So ideas?


    Richard Schmitt

    When it comes down to it, maybe try competing in a small event. Something for beginners and progress through that. Because if y'all go through that and see what others can do in your class, you can strive to beat them.



    If she's happy with how she looks now then I'd say just maintaining that is a worthwhile goal.


    Lesli Bortz

    Not to over simplify but I keep myself up just because it makes me happy to look/feel good. She pretty much eliminated every other goal lol. The only other thing I could think of would be athletic…races/marathons/biking. I do believe to make it a lifestyle you have to want it internally and that's enough.


    Penny Danner

    Not to over simplify but I keep myself up just because it makes me happy to look/feel good. She pretty much eliminated every other goal lol. The only other thing I could think of would be athletic...races/marathons/biking. I do believe to make it a lifestyle you have to want it internally and that's enough.

    If she's happy with how she looks now then I'd say just maintaining that is a worthwhile goal.

    Thanks....and I agree.  I'll tell her. She thinks the competing puts too much pressure on her and she is already slightly high strung (and I thought *I* was! LOL).  So I'll tell her this.



    Not to over simplify but I keep myself up just because it makes me happy to look/feel good. She pretty much eliminated every other goal lol. The only other thing I could think of would be athletic...races/marathons/biking. I do believe to make it a lifestyle you have to want it internally and that's enough.

    I think the main thing with keeping it up as a life style is you've got to find enjoyment in it. I've become extremely consistent with lifting this year, almost to fault, purely because I enjoy it and find it fulfilling. Whereas cardio I've dropped completely since I find no enjoyment in it. 


    Penny Danner

    I agree.  I've been lifting for about 4 yrs now and HATE cardio.  I just had to find the right way of eating to help out my body.


    Brandon D Christ

    She should find something else outside the fitness world to work on.  Read some books, start a blog, start a business, there's lot's of things you can do.Now as far as powerlifting goes, 95% of people at powerlifting meets aren't serious competitors.  There really is zero pressure unless you are like me and are trying to be the best in the world or make money.  Most people are just there for fun.  I think it's a great hobby for people who like to lift.  You get to meet a lot of other people too. 


    Penny Danner

    She should find something else outside the fitness world to work on.  Read some books, start a blog, start a business, there's lot's of things you can do.Now as far as powerlifting goes, 95% of people at powerlifting meets aren't serious competitors.  There really is zero pressure unless you are like me and are trying to be the best in the world or make money.  Most people are just there for fun.  I think it's a great hobby for people who like to lift.  You get to meet a lot of other people too.

    She has lots of those, Ibob....she quilts and knits and puts them in the fair and has won monetary prizes...and reads a lot.That's cool.  I'll tell her about that too.


    Rob Haas

    I can relate to the stress in powerlifting. I've competed a few times and got trophies every time but to be honest, was only competing against myself because of my age/weight brackets. Sounds like there shouldn't be any pressure or stress but when you are training to beat your previous numbers, you are doing it every time you go to the gym. If you get a bad day that you don't hit the numbers you set, then it starts. If outside stress from work or home life carry over then it's a downward spiral.Anyway, not to discourage, just saying I can relate.On the positive side I do hope to compete again now that I'm back on track with CBL.


    Penny Danner

    Thanks for your input, Rob.Yeah, I know when i used to run and my friend mentioned this too....we always had this pressure we'd put on ourselves to better our times in races...then it became a vicious cycle of training more/harder to try to get that 1 minute (or better) time.


    Brandon D Christ

    Yea I suppose for powerlifting you have to be in the right mindset.  Many, many, lifters, including those with bright futures, have quite powerlifting due to frustration with progress.When you pursue powerlifting you have to accept that fact that it is going to be very hard to increase your numbers and it's going to take a long time. 


    Penny Danner

    I think I have a bit more patience than my friend. Lol. A lot has changed about me since I started lifting…it definitely trashes ….autocorrect…TAKES patience.


    Brandon D Christ

    Yea people need to learn how to enjoy the journey better.  Especially when it's something like lifting weights.  What's the point of spending all that time doing it if you don't enjoy it?  You don't get paid for it.  Nobody cares what your numbers are.


    Penny Danner

    Yea people need to learn how to enjoy the journey better.  Especially when it's something like lifting weights.  What's the point of spending all that time doing it if you don't enjoy it?  You don't get paid for it.  Nobody cares what your numbers are.

    I totally agree! 🙂 

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