Backload indecision. Forum choice!

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    So tonight I'm backloading for my pt test/ workout in the morning. Been ulc for 6 days and I can't decide between spaghetti rice or BBQ chicken sandwiches. Thoughts? Go. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    BBQ chicken sandwich hands down.



    Good call! That's what I was leaning towards. I'll probably drop about 200g of carbs tonight with relatively low fat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    If you have been ulc for 6 days, I'd say you could easily go for some more carbs.



    True, however I'm just trying to get enough carbs to fuel for the morning. Besides I had a blow out before going ulc for 6 days hahaha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    Okay, I just thought pure performance was the goal tomorrow 🙂



    I'm so ready for carbs tonight. 6 days ulc is so depressing. HahahSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    I'm so ready for carbs tonight. 6 days ulc is so depressing. HahahSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I'm currently 8 days into 16 days ULC...



    Man, aren't you feeling totally drained in training? I'm backing off on the carbs right now too, but still getting 300g on training days..


    Man, aren't you feeling totally drained in training? I'm backing off on the carbs right now too, but still getting 300g on training days..

    Yes, but I'm only training 3 days a week with very low volume right now so it's not to bad.



    Holy cow! That's intense! Trying to cut? That's depletion at it's finest! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Holy cow! That's intense! Trying to cut? That's depletion at it's finest! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    No, I'm having to use corticosteroids, and Kiefer suggested to me to go 2 weeks ULC trying to avoid carbs and insulin spikes while using them. I'm just doing 16 days because it was 2 days extra to finish them off.

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Backload indecision. Forum choice!

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