MCT: C8=Dangerous, C10=Good, C12=Useless ??

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    Sascha Heid

    Hi!I was listening to a podcast (bulletproof #151) where scientist Melinda Culver explained that chain length 12 was originally not considered a MCT. It does not follow the same metabolic pathway as C8 and C10 and ends up in the lymphsystem like any other long chain fat. So basically C12 is "only" a regular fat.Coconut-oil is ~80% C12MCT-Oil is ~80% C8 and C10After listening to this i ordered some MCT-Oil. I already have coconut-oil and now use both.So far so good, but in Kiefers (hilarious) podcast yesterday he called C8 the "dangerous MCT" because of several negative observations that have been made (membrane-functions, lipid effects that are not positive). He says "you dont want to take alot of it".So that leaves only one good MCT which would be C10.What do you think?


    Richard Schmitt

    Sounds about right, found any C10 only MCT Oil? If anything just use straight CO.

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MCT: C8=Dangerous, C10=Good, C12=Useless ??

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