Any testimonials out there for Nicotene Declassified?

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  • #227766

    Rob Haas

    Back on the gum today. Vacation in about a month and now that holidays are over I figured this might be a good time to give it another try.20 degrees out this morning leaving for work and the gum had me drenched in sweat. Hope that's a sign it's working.Goal now is to drop a few more LBs before walking the beaches in the Caribbean.


    Robert x Oleary

    Back on the gum today. Vacation in about a month and now that holidays are over I figured this might be a good time to give it another try.20 degrees out this morning leaving for work and the gum had me drenched in sweat. Hope that's a sign it's working.Goal now is to drop a few more LBs before walking the beaches in the Caribbean.

    I just restarted Monday and noticed the same. I also pair my nicotine use with caffeine and Carnatine to enhance the mobilization effect. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Rob Haas

    Back on the gum today. Vacation in about a month and now that holidays are over I figured this might be a good time to give it another try.20 degrees out this morning leaving for work and the gum had me drenched in sweat. Hope that's a sign it's working.Goal now is to drop a few more LBs before walking the beaches in the Caribbean.

    I just restarted Monday and noticed the same. I also pair my nicotine use with caffeine and Carnatine to enhance the mobilization effect. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Interesting on the carnatine. I have not added that...yet. All more validity to what BPak says about cycling everything eh?


    Robert x Oleary

    Yeah, I pretty much cycle it all to help prevent getting desensitized. There's really nothing I can contribute to it scientifically other than my college psych classes. The body seems to adapt and desensitize to everything thrown at it, especially hormonally and chemically. I just prefer the cycling and plan around it for events and periodization. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Brandon D Christ

    Back on the gum today. Vacation in about a month and now that holidays are over I figured this might be a good time to give it another try.20 degrees out this morning leaving for work and the gum had me drenched in sweat. Hope that's a sign it's working.Goal now is to drop a few more LBs before walking the beaches in the Caribbean.

    I just restarted Monday and noticed the same. I also pair my nicotine use with caffeine and Carnatine to enhance the mobilization effect. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Interesting on the carnatine. I have not added that...yet. All more validity to what BPak says about cycling everything eh?

    Carnintine is a decent supplement.  Even by itself.  It's not one of my A-list supplements, but I would recommend it to someone who doesn't mind putting the money and time into supplements.


    Rob Haas

    Back on the gum today. Vacation in about a month and now that holidays are over I figured this might be a good time to give it another try.20 degrees out this morning leaving for work and the gum had me drenched in sweat. Hope that's a sign it's working.Goal now is to drop a few more LBs before walking the beaches in the Caribbean.

    I just restarted Monday and noticed the same. I also pair my nicotine use with caffeine and Carnatine to enhance the mobilization effect. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Interesting on the carnatine. I have not added that...yet. All more validity to what BPak says about cycling everything eh?

    Carnintine is a decent supplement.  Even by itself.  It's not one of my A-list supplements, but I would recommend it to someone who doesn't mind putting the money and time into supplements.

    I have some but have not been using it. Will give it a shot. Thanks!


    Nicholas Alonzo

    I am not to sure if it help contribute to my weight loss very much while doing CNS, however I will proclaim that caffeine and nicotine gum before English class made me a better writer, or smarter in general.


    Richard Schmitt

    I liked it when I took the gum while gaming. Kill to death ratio was badass in COD 8)


    Rob Haas

    I just restarted Monday and noticed the same. I also pair my nicotine use with caffeine and Carnatine to enhance the mobilization effect. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    How long in the morning do you chew the gum?This time I'm up at 5:30 and chew until about 7 then spit it out for my morning shake of coconut milk and 10gr whey.So far seams to work much better than before when I did the shake first and chew gum until noon. I am feeling the effect sooner and no more sore throat.


    Robert x Oleary

    I liked it when I took the gum while gaming. Kill to death ratio was badass in COD 8)

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! I have to try this.

    I just restarted Monday and noticed the same. I also pair my nicotine use with caffeine and Carnatine to enhance the mobilization effect. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    How long in the morning do you chew the gum?This time I'm up at 5:30 and chew until about 7 then spit it out for my morning shake of coconut milk and 10gr whey.So far seams to work much better than before when I did the shake first and chew gum until noon. I am feeling the effect sooner and no more sore throat.

    I wake up @ 6:30, and pop the gum in immediately and drink my fat only AM Accelerator shake and take a g of Carnatine Tartrate and 200mg of Caffiene powder. I pop my next piece of gum  with the carnatine and the caffiene in at 3 on non-training days, or about an hour and half before Training or Cardio days. This has been the best timing for optimal effect for me personally.


    Rob Haas

    ^ thanks. Will give that a try.

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)

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Any testimonials out there for Nicotene Declassified?

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