Why the "1 hour wait" for the PWO?

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    Robert x Oleary

    I've heard this as the standard for Keifer now on CBL, but I don't understand why… I'm doing the mi40x2 program from PBAK, and his protocol calls for a PWO shake within 15 minutes of your final rep. I've tried both and noticed I feel much less sore the fast I take in the PWO, but have switched back to the 1 hour wait for my PWO shake then another hour for my PWO MEAL/Backload. I'm just curious what the rationale is behind this. I haven't found much clarity on this from the podcasts I've checked out. Could someone possibly clarify the "why" on this for me?


    Richard Schmitt

    Robert x Oleary

    Thanks Tex!… now I just want to buy a warehouse of carb-shock too! lol. It was sold out when I went to buy it. I hope more comes out soon.



    RX check your PMs.


    Melvin McLain

    The one-hour wait seems to benefit with or without it. 😉



    The one-hour wait seems to benefit with or without it. 😉

    +1. It have for me.

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Why the "1 hour wait" for the PWO?

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