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  • #11923

    Brian Timlin

    I chew gum and I am wondering xylitol is okay for carb backloading?It a natural sugar replacement but it comes from fruit so I was wondering if it is not a good idea.


    Rob Haas

    Probably not since it has a very low GI (only 7 where sugar is 100). You want a high GI carb for backloading purposes.



    I “think” knight writer was more asking if the gum is okay in general while on the carb Backloading diet, not necessarily as a Backloading item.It should be fine if that's the case.


    Rob Haas

    Ahhh makes perfect sense after re-reading it and your reply. I would agree then OK on the gum.


    Robert x Oleary

    Added bonus: I started chewing gum to help sustain me between my pwo shake and my pwo meal for the added insulin spiking benefit of  the sugar free sweeteners with the gum when paired with carbs for the shake. I'm sure the benefit is pretty small, but every little bit helps, and all the chewing and added I jested saliva helps with digestion of my shake so I'm more ready for my meal when the time comes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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