hormones, agression, "masculinity" in LC + BB

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    Sascha Heid

    I would like to know more about how – if at all – low carb and/or bodybuilding influence a man's hormones and “masculinity” (positive aggression).What are your personal experiences?Does bodybuilding make you "feel" more "masculine"?What is the influence of your diet?Intersting websites, books etc.


    Sascha Heid

    Obviously you need the building blocks for your hormones.And probably there is alot of crap that interferes with "what should happen naturally".And apparently diet and bodybuilding has a positive influence.But thats about all i " know".


    Robert x Oleary

    Low carb, and low cal often get confused. When I'm competing I'm definitely more aggressive as my prep diet gets more restricted/depleted. Having calories from Keto diet leaves me passive and amicable still I actually tend to get much more carbs in prep then the standard Keto diet (upwards of 200 most of the time, til the last few weeks, plus refeeds), but my caloric intake is toooootally different. All of my friends in the competitive bodybuilding community are actually the nicest, gentlest people.... Til prep gets really strict, then they just become exhuasted and worn out as well. Aggression isn't really the right way to put it, more worn out and worn down. Naturally patience a wears thin as with anyone else when this happens, regardless of situation, I.e. Students at finals, accountants in tax season, etc. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Melvin McLain

    Red meat (especially beef), seafood, and NO alcohol always affected me more than anything else. More/less carbs were moot.



    Hormone production relies on a good uptake of fats.Nothing new,but something that was ignored by the low fat,carb based diet.


    Rob Haas

    The training fasted/low carb definitely has improved my aggression towards the weights in the gym. I also believe it has improved my hormone balance although I have not had a blood test in a while so that is just speculation. Being most of my friends are powerlifters we consider ourselves family and treat each other that way. The few bodybuilders I know personally tend to be loners. Not sure why that is.

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hormones, agression, "masculinity" in LC + BB

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