Modified Corn Starch…is this crap?

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    I don't take any pleasure reading ingredients,but I am trying to limit stuff with High Fructose Corn Sweetener.Now ,I am starting to notice “Modified Corn Starch” in a lot of things.Just seems to be a  foggy kind of term.I'm no baby with this stuff.Is this stuff to be limited?


    Penny Danner

    It's just me, but I try to not use anything with it in there (with exception of a few goodies on CN when I don't read labels. 😉 )  It is a thickener like in fat free yogurts and such.


    Melvin McLain

    Probably depends on how it's modified. There several different methods (physically, enzymatically, or chemically), and apparently no way to tell which was used. ???

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Modified Corn Starch…is this crap?

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