BPak’s Cell Expansion Protocol

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  • #12053

    Melvin McLain

    Just curious if anyone is doing this, and if so, can you can tell any difference?From what I understand (via Google), it's basically stretching the muscles (under load) immediately after sets, and is supposed to recruit more satellite cells for increased growth.Not sure why the load would be necessary though, as you should be able to fully stretch without added weight on the joints. ???Thoughts?


    Robert x Oleary

    My mi40x2 log was that series, and yes it's amazing. Unreal pump, I've never felt anything like it. It's not AFTER your set though, it's intra-set stretching. It's logical when you consider biomechical advantages of engaging antagonist muscles, but the benefit of it is surreal in that you feel it IMMEDIATELY. I love the pump, I crave the pump, and I've never had a pump like the NOS-X sets. They are definitely a bit techinical, but very easy to execute once you grasp the concept.


    Melvin McLain

    You do it between reps instead of after each set?


    Robert x Oleary

    You do it between reps instead of after each set?

    This isn't being done entirely correct. also I only watch a brief bit with the volume off, but the principles of intra-set stretching are being executed... sort of. you're supposed to drop the weight immediately AFTER the stretch-under-tension, with the exception of the final rep after your second drop set. Beyond that, best thing I can say is buy the program. It was a worthy investment for me.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVXOiNTvEGU


    Melvin McLain

    I'm on dialup so dloading that will take a while. 😀But if you stretch for 20-30 seconds between reps, then it sounds like your workout mostly turns into a rest-pause protocol.


    Richard Schmitt

    I've done it with MI40X


    Melvin McLain

    What did you think of it?I watched the video btw, looks to me like he's doing it after/between sets.


    Richard Schmitt

    What did you think of it?I watched the video btw, looks to me like he's doing it after/between sets.

    A NOS-X set is one long set. Increasing the weight as you go, so yes he is doing the stretch in between sets. I love it and made progress with it.


    Melvin McLain

    Ok, thanks guys. As mentioned, I was just curious.


    Robert x Oleary

    What did you think of it?I watched the video btw, looks to me like he's doing it after/between sets.

    A NOS-X set is one long set. Increasing the weight as you go, so yes he is doing the stretch in between sets. I love it and made progress with it.

    *decreasingI would have died if I tried increasing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Richard Schmitt

    What did you think of it?I watched the video btw, looks to me like he's doing it after/between sets.

    A NOS-X set is one long set. Increasing the weight as you go, so yes he is doing the stretch in between sets. I love it and made progress with it.

    *decreasingI would have died if I tried increasing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Shoot sorry typed that on my tablet...


    Rob Haas

    What did you think of it?I watched the video btw, looks to me like he's doing it after/between sets.

    A NOS-X set is one long set. Increasing the weight as you go, so yes he is doing the stretch in between sets. I love it and made progress with it.

    *decreasingI would have died if I tried increasing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Shoot sorry typed that on my tablet...

    LOL. Yeah I was thinking damn Tex is one badass MI40X'r


    Robert x Oleary

    LOL. Yeah I was thinking damn Tex is one badass MI40X'r

    Honestly, me too. I wondered if I was doing it wrong and if I was... F***!Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Richard Schmitt

    Oooh no…I'd die and let my limbs fall off.

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BPak’s Cell Expansion Protocol

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