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  • #12105

    Adam Hays

    Anyone tried DeepWater training method? It sounds legit and the diet is simple- mass meats and no carbs. I am curious if anyone thinks crushing massive workouts and consuming mass amounts of meat protein is a simply enough way to pile on muscle. I also have a hard time believing Jon Anderson does not use steroids. If he just trains his ass off and eats what he does and gets that jacked then I'd go straight up Deepwater starting today



    When's John Anderson ever claimed to be natty??DeepWater with CNS or CBL would work fine just auto regulate yourself if doing CNS.


    Adam Hays

    do you think the diet protocol Jon suggests would work for muscle gain at all?


    do you think the diet protocol Jon suggests would work for muscle gain at all?

    If you are training hard, sure.I just don't think it's as effective as a diet containing carbs.


    Justin Guimond

    Have any of y'all read his program?  I've been trying to track down some basic info, much to no avail.

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