MI40X on CNS?

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    gerry yerves

    Basically what it says. Do you guys think its possible to do MI40X on CNS. I generally hold up pretty well ULC, but would cut sessions short when necessary. Any input would be appreciated.


    Bad idea.MI40 is VERY glycolitic and you will need carbs to perform well.If you don't eat carbs, you can run the risk of losing muscle.



    Bad idea.MI40 is VERY glycolitic and you will need carbs to perform well.If you don't eat carbs, you can run the risk of losing muscle.

    I second this.While MI40 is a fantastic program, IMO it is too much for CNS and would risk burnout and negative effects.


    Rob Haas

    Bad idea.MI40 is VERY glycolitic and you will need carbs to perform well.If you don't eat carbs, you can run the risk of losing muscle.

    I agree if you follow MI40X to the letter. Scale it down a notch or 3 and maybe...CBL SA would be my recommendation to get more carbs in post training.


    gerry yerves

    Pretty much what I thought, but figured I'd ask. Getting bored with ic 5×5 especially since back squatting has becone an issue.



    I just started mi40x and I'm eating carbs like crazy every night to be able to perform in the gym. Especially the rest times between sets and exercises are low which you would need carbs for.  I agree with the others, mi40x would most likely not work with CNS. What about shockwave? Many people seems to have success with it on CNS. You could always up the volume, if it's not enough.


    I just do my second round off MI40X and try to lose fat. To your question, with sufficient protein in your diet I don't see any problem losing lean mass.Losing fat and gaining muscle is something I am going through since some time. I am with Ultimate Performance personal trainer, very smilier to Ben's or Charles Poliqiuin's philosophy of training. With ultra low carbs diet's over a course off 12 weeks, its very common you drop significant in bf and gain around 5-10 lbs of muscles with high intensity off training.In fact, I have just started my CNS and enjoyed my first CN yesterday, using MI40X as training program, before going back to UP next week.My energy is great after 3rd day into the CNS diet and train 6 days right now without losing strength or getting fatigue due to the high volume. Only thing I could be worried about is increase of cortisol due to training stress, yet I will see over the next coming weeks if I am ok or need to back off.

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MI40X on CNS?

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