Looking for new routine suggestions, finishing up MI40

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    ronald prasek

    Ill be done with BPak's MI 40 this week & loved it.  Its a Hypertropy program, what do any of you that have done this program or something similar to this suggest on moving to next.  Open to any programs or advise on what direction to go.  Im doing CBL SA right now 5'8″ 165 10-11%bf. I like keeping bf down but im happy where im at now so fluctuating a couple percent wont bother me cause i can bring that back to 10 pretty easy now. Not opposed to modifing CBL or training methods cause starting to figure out my body & what works nutrition & training wise, so i can scrap something after a couple weeks if i dont feel its working.  Would love to get some suggestions.



    I know MI40X makes use of Dr Wilson's satellite cell recruitment protocol, aka CEP training. I think Ben has said that when you finish MI40 that going onto MI40X was the next thing to do.


    ronald prasek

    Ok thanks, im looking into the program now, i really didnt know the difference of the 2 if they differed that much, but i love all of Dr Wilsons podcasts with BPak, some really good info from him.


    Honestly, after a high volume, hypertrophy protocol, it's probably best to do at least 4 weeks of a more strength focused, lower volume higher intensity (relative intensity) Block would be your best bet. It let's you get strong for when you go back to higher volumes, plus in slightly de-trains you to the high volume work so you respond better when you go back.


    Robert x Oleary

    Honestly, after a high volume, hypertrophy protocol, it's probably best to do at least 4 weeks of a more strength focused, lower volume higher intensity (relative intensity) Block would be your best bet. It let's you get strong for when you go back to higher volumes, plus in slightly de-trains you to the high volume work so you respond better when you go back.

    This is what I did, and I feel better now after moving I to strength than when I was pursuing strictly hypertrophy. I go back to hypertrophy training next week though, to see what it will feel and look like after 8 weeks off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Brandon D Christ

    Honestly, after a high volume, hypertrophy protocol, it's probably best to do at least 4 weeks of a more strength focused, lower volume higher intensity (relative intensity) Block would be your best bet. It let's you get strong for when you go back to higher volumes, plus in slightly de-trains you to the high volume work so you respond better when you go back.

    I agree with this as well.  5/3/1 wouldn't be bad.  After that you can go back to hypertrophy training.  My favorite is German Volume Training.


    ronald prasek

    Yeah Trevor thats what i thought also about changing goals, since BPak says do something different in terms of training for at least 6 weeks then come back to it if you want too.  I was also thinking in terms of some strength training, and iBob i was just looking into 5/3/1 last night so thats definitely on my radar


    ronald prasek

    Have any of you guys done MI40x?  Im sure he had to adjust his supplementation some since the original MI40.  If you guys know this suggestions now because i only have the Mi40 supplementation.  Through research on line for the pre i just replaced L arginine with Citruilline Malate just from reading up in the forums and through the reasearch.  Besides he suggests bcaas all day, i only use 1 hour post with my CS & PWO.  If you guys know his pre or post supplementation besides the obvious like whey & creatine would love to find out thanks!


    Robert x Oleary

    I did mi40x without BCAAs at all. It was hard, but I was happy with the outcome. I felt strong enough to push through it all and only really started to struggle once I hit the overreaching phase. (Last phase) learned a ton about variations in lifting as well that really helped with establishing a better mind-muscle connection. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    ronald prasek

    I can imagine, because i learned so much from Mi40 in terms of what you were talking about also.  Just making the mind muscle connection and re learning the movements and making sure the muscle you are targeting is doing the work, agree 100%.  Like he said swallow the pride cut back the weight and get the movement right and ill tell you it made a hell of difference the past 40 days.  Im looking forward to doing 40x, im just not sure if i should do back to back.  I also want to find out if he updated his supplements pre & post, other then that i stay with all the CBL priciples and all of Kiefers nutrition timing


    Rob Haas

    I also want to find out if he updated his supplements pre & post, other then that i stay with all the CBL priciples and all of Kiefers nutrition timing

    I would keep the CBL nutrition & timing protocol. If you follow Bpaks recommendation you will gain weight, a lot of it and the supplements & dosages will cost you a much larger chunk of change. personally I have found some of his supplement recommendations to be excessive in dosages.Also, keep in mind switching from bodybuilding training to a strength training is going to require some tweaks in the way you move the heavier weights. I'd post up videos and ask the Mods to critique. If you check out some of the other training logs you'll find some good info as well.


    Robert x Oleary

    Honestly. My sups were way too fancy. In retrospect. A good pre in line w your goals is the only thing I would add that's not already part of the CBL protocols. Also, just my own experience, but in the few two-a-days that work the same muscle groups, I would get my pwo shake in immediately after the first workout, but give the second workout a full hour window before the pwo shake. This is more in accordance with the recent seminar from Alan Aragon and Brad Schoenfeld(sp?)Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Looking for new routine suggestions, finishing up MI40

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