Lean Body Lifestyle

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    I out this under Misc. b/c this post is applicable to both CNS and CBL. I stumbled across this website a while back and haven't utilized it……until tonight!I made the low carb cinnamon rolls. Delicious. Not all the meals on there are low-carb (and his definition of low carb may include quite a large number of carbs), but some are.Here you go, enjoy.http://leanbodylifestyle.blogspot.com/


    Richard Schmitt

    Mhmm low carb cinnamon rolls….thanks!


    Damon Amato

    I scrolled down to older posts for like 10 minutes, I see no cinnamon roll recipe anywhere.



    Damon Amato

    ty ty.  Better to use egg or cream cheese you think?


    Richard Schmitt

    ty ty.  Better to use egg or cream cheese you think?

    I would try that Ricota Cream Cheese you mentioned for the "Cheese" Cake recipe. Which I made while on R&R and FREAKING AMAZING!



    I used an egg and cream cheese on top. It worked well. I think it allows it to bake/expand (in a microwave, I know) so it better represents a dough. If you try substituting the cream cheese for the egg, let me know how it works.

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