CNS Slip Up

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    So I have a CN comming up in a couple of days and 3 days later have a work event where it is going to be impossible not to take part in the eating and drinking that will be going on. I have been on the CNS for 2 months and am really starting to see results. I guess what my questions is if I follow my CN 3 days later with a all day event of eating and drinking what should I do the following day to get my body back on track.Any help would be great.Thanks



    HIIT till you puke…..ha jk. But really, HIIT. You may want to do a new prep phase too? Just a thought.



    Ha OK thanks for the advice I will be HIT-ing it up the following day then.Do you I will need to do a full Reorimtation phase or could just go 7 days till my next CN?


    Damon Amato

    Say fuck it –> eat what you want –> new prep phase –> anxiety mitigated.



    Say fuck it --> eat what you want --> new prep phase --> anxiety mitigated.



    Say fuck it --> eat what you want --> new prep phase --> anxiety mitigated.


    +1 Life is to short to stress.


    Kevin rogers

    Why not just skip the upcoming carb nite and push it off another 3 days and maybe get a good workout in before your work bender?



    I would push my CN out to this event and try to have the eating and drinking cover the 6 hours that is needed on the CN refeed.  During this 6 hours keep the alcohol to 2 drinks maximum and eat whatever you want during this time.  If it really is going to be all day Im afraid you will have no choice but to start over, like others have mentioned, with a reorientation phase or risk not being in ketosis by the time you hit your next carbnite.  Edit: like kevrolls said while I was typing.  😉


    Jeremy Wade

    I've done this on multiple occasions without problem. First, move your upcoming carb nite to an earlier date... More than 4 days from the last, but never more than 8. Second, if possible, try to make your window of eating 8 hours.  At least try to delay your first carb intake of the day as much as possible. Alcohol is not optimal, but don't sweat the small stuff, however, 18 beers is never good for your body, your reputation, or your career. ( total personal opinion on that last part...)The next day, go back to CNS as usual. Daily HIIT is always beneficial, just don't over-do it. Doing the 10 day prep phase is not necessary as long as you are working out/doing HIIT.  Remember, you will store some carbs as fat, but if you look at the science, that happens at the end of every carb nite...  It goes away. ...the above is supported by the book. If you want more explanation, let me know.



    ...Alcohol is not optimal, but don't sweat the small stuff, however, 18 beers is never good for your body, your reputation, or your career. ( total personal opinion on that last part...)...

    We shall agree to disagree.Everything else looked good though. 🙂



    Thanks for everyone's advise.I think I'll just skip my next CN and push it to my work event day which would be an 8 day stretch and then do HIT the following morning.

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