mct oil

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    What does everyone think about using MCT oil while on carb nite program? I heard it helps with ketones and is instant energy. I was thinking about mixing it with protein shakes. Thoughts?



    I do remember reading somewhere (I think it was a backloading article) to put coconut oil in yer coffee in the morning for the MCT content. I'm just going from memory on this so I may be missing some things.



    Personally, my current pwo shake is a scoop of whey isolates, 5g leucine, and 10g coconut oil. This is in water and sometimes I put in a tiny scoop of caffeine. Interestingly enough, the coconut oil really seems to offset the taste of the leucine.


    That works, I also use macadamia nut oil in protein shakes


    Naomi Most

    Personally, my current pwo shake is a scoop of whey isolates, 5g leucine, and 10g coconut oil. This is in water and sometimes I put in a tiny scoop of caffeine. Interestingly enough, the coconut oil really seems to offset the taste of the leucine.

    That IS interesting. I should try that.



    @Naomi, I just tried something new tonight (25min ago haha). After I came home, as I was making my drink, I thought about how the coconut oil gets ground up by my magic bullet and creates a froth of fat and protein cream/froth at the top. You know, since the hardened coconut oil is chopped into tiny bits. This is annoying because it separates the drink in two, so I poured warm water into the cup instead of cold. It sufficiently melted the c.oil and made the drink really smooth, creamy, and better dispersed the bitterness of its constituents. (FYI, I'm battling the taste of a tiny scoop of caffeine in addition to the leucine.)


    Richard Schmitt

    Would MCT Oil be ok in a pre-workout drink? I was looking at various products and came across Dymatize Nutrition Xpand Xtreme Pump and the first ingredient it states is MCT Oil. Just a curious thought.



    MCTs or coconut oil would be great with coffee in the mornings/pre-workout, it increases metabolic rate as well as providing a boost of energy. the main concern is to not overdo it.


    Richard Schmitt

    MCTs or coconut oil would be great with coffee in the mornings/pre-workout, it increases metabolic rate as well as providing a boost of energy. the main concern is to not overdo it.

    Mhmm I might just change to the Xpand Xtreme pump then, would love an extra increase of my metabolism. Thanks Dave.



    The Xpand is actually what I use. I love it.


    Richard Schmitt

    The Xpand is actually what I use. I love it.

    Oh yeah? I'm a huge fan and user of Dymatize Nutrition Products.  Currently using ISO 100 and Fusion 7 (<--for milk for my cereals...lactose intolerant, they said soy milk is bad for Carb-Backloading =/ )



    bigtex, have you ever tried almond milk? It's so good.



    Yea. I love it. gives me a lot more endurance at the gym and seems to help with focus and intensity when I'm lifting heavy.Almond milk is pretty tasty, just make sure you get unsweetened stuff if you're drinking it daily.


    Richard Schmitt

    bigtex, have you ever tried almond milk? It's so good.

    I have not, I will be sure to try that when I get to go home from this deployment!

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mct oil

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